code: 9ferno

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ref: 47dd267eed95a9f6b03bf0020c6fb3888430d11a
parent: c1a7f31e4239314ba2f4bfca63a816636a1591ca
author: henesy <unknown>
date: Sun Nov 11 18:32:59 EST 2018

add extra INSTALL step to create stub directories

@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
      name), SYSHOST and OBJTYPE.  The comments in  the  file
      should help you choose.
-2    Run to rebuild the   mk  command,  which  is
+2    Run `` to rebuild the `mk` command,  which  is
      used to build everything else.
 3    Set  PATH (or  path on Plan 9)  to  include  the    bin
@@ -69,9 +69,11 @@
      directory for the platform, which will now contain the
      mk binary just built.  On Unix, export  PATH.
-4    Then  mk nuke to remove any extraneous object files.
+4    Then `mk nuke` to remove any extraneous object files.
-5    Finally,    mk  install  to  create  and  install   the
+5	Then `mk mkdirs` to create all the missing directories.
+6    Finally, `mk install` to create and install   the
      libraries,    limbo  compiler,  emu for hosted Inferno,
      and auxiliary commands.  The rules do that in an  order
      that ensures that the commands or libraries needed by a
@@ -84,3 +86,4 @@
 search path, since there is no  equivalent  of
 Otherwise  the procedure is the same.  On Plan 9, of course,
 the host system's normal version of  mk should be adequate.
binary files a/Linux/386/bin/c2l b/Linux/386/bin/c2l differ
binary files a/Linux/386/bin/data2c b/Linux/386/bin/data2c differ
binary files a/Linux/386/bin/ftl b/Linux/386/bin/ftl differ
binary files a/Linux/386/bin/iar b/Linux/386/bin/iar differ
binary files a/Linux/386/bin/idea b/Linux/386/bin/idea differ
binary files a/Linux/386/bin/inm b/Linux/386/bin/inm differ
binary files a/Linux/386/bin/iyacc b/Linux/386/bin/iyacc differ
binary files a/Linux/386/bin/kprof b/Linux/386/bin/kprof differ
binary files a/Linux/386/bin/ksize b/Linux/386/bin/ksize differ
binary files a/Linux/386/bin/kstrip b/Linux/386/bin/kstrip differ
binary files a/Linux/386/bin/md5sum b/Linux/386/bin/md5sum differ
binary files a/Linux/386/bin/mk b/Linux/386/bin/mk differ
binary files a/Linux/386/bin/ b/Linux/386/bin/ differ
binary files a/Linux/386/bin/mkext b/Linux/386/bin/mkext differ
binary files a/Linux/386/bin/mkppcimage b/Linux/386/bin/mkppcimage differ
binary files a/Linux/386/bin/ms2 b/Linux/386/bin/ms2 differ
binary files a/Linux/386/bin/ndate b/Linux/386/bin/ndate differ
binary files a/Linux/386/bin/sqz b/Linux/386/bin/sqz differ
binary files a/Linux/386/bin/srclist b/Linux/386/bin/srclist differ
binary files a/Linux/386/bin/styxtest b/Linux/386/bin/styxtest differ
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emu/Linux/emu.c
@@ -1,0 +1,90 @@
+#include "dat.h"
+#include "fns.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "interp.h"
+#include "emu.root.h"
+ulong ndevs = 28;
+extern Dev rootdevtab;
+extern Dev consdevtab;
+extern Dev envdevtab;
+extern Dev mntdevtab;
+extern Dev pipedevtab;
+extern Dev progdevtab;
+extern Dev profdevtab;
+extern Dev srvdevtab;
+extern Dev dupdevtab;
+extern Dev ssldevtab;
+extern Dev capdevtab;
+extern Dev fsdevtab;
+extern Dev cmddevtab;
+extern Dev indirdevtab;
+extern Dev drawdevtab;
+extern Dev pointerdevtab;
+extern Dev snarfdevtab;
+extern Dev ipdevtab;
+extern Dev eiadevtab;
+extern Dev memdevtab;
+Dev* devtab[]={
+	&rootdevtab,
+	&consdevtab,
+	&envdevtab,
+	&mntdevtab,
+	&pipedevtab,
+	&progdevtab,
+	&profdevtab,
+	&srvdevtab,
+	&dupdevtab,
+	&ssldevtab,
+	&capdevtab,
+	&fsdevtab,
+	&cmddevtab,
+	&indirdevtab,
+	&drawdevtab,
+	&pointerdevtab,
+	&snarfdevtab,
+	&ipdevtab,
+	&eiadevtab,
+	&memdevtab,
+	nil,
+	nil,
+	nil,
+	nil,
+	nil,
+	nil,
+	nil,
+	nil,
+	nil,
+void links(void){
+extern void sysmodinit(void);
+extern void drawmodinit(void);
+extern void tkmodinit(void);
+extern void mathmodinit(void);
+extern void srvmodinit(void);
+extern void keyringmodinit(void);
+extern void cryptmodinit(void);
+extern void ipintsmodinit(void);
+extern void loadermodinit(void);
+extern void freetypemodinit(void);
+void modinit(void){
+	sysmodinit();
+	drawmodinit();
+	tkmodinit();
+	mathmodinit();
+	srvmodinit();
+	keyringmodinit();
+	cryptmodinit();
+	ipintsmodinit();
+	loadermodinit();
+	freetypemodinit();
+char* conffile = "emu";
+ulong kerndate = KERNDATE;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emu/Linux/emu.root.c
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
+/* Generated by mkroot */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emu/Linux/emu.root.h
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+int rootmaxq = 10;
+Dirtab roottab[10] = {
+	"",	{0, 0, QTDIR},	 0,	0555,
+	"dev",	{1, 0, QTDIR},	 0,	0555,
+	"fd",	{2, 0, QTDIR},	 0,	0555,
+	"prog",	{3, 0, QTDIR},	 0,	0555,
+	"prof",	{4, 0, QTDIR},	 0,	0555,
+	"net",	{5, 0, QTDIR},	 0,	0555,
+	"net.alt",	{6, 0, QTDIR},	 0,	0555,
+	"chan",	{7, 0, QTDIR},	 0,	0555,
+	"nvfs",	{8, 0, QTDIR},	 0,	0555,
+	"env",	{9, 0, QTDIR},	 0,	0555,
+Rootdata rootdata[10] = {
+	0,	 &roottab[1],	 9,	nil,
+	0,	 nil,	 0,	 nil,
+	0,	 nil,	 0,	 nil,
+	0,	 nil,	 0,	 nil,
+	0,	 nil,	 0,	 nil,
+	0,	 nil,	 0,	 nil,
+	0,	 nil,	 0,	 nil,
+	0,	 nil,	 0,	 nil,
+	0,	 nil,	 0,	 nil,
+	0,	 nil,	 0,	 nil,
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emu/Linux/errstr.h
@@ -1,0 +1,65 @@
+char Enoerror[] = "no error";
+char Emount[] = "inconsistent mount";
+char Eunmount[] = "not mounted";
+char Eunion[] = "not in union";
+char Emountrpc[] = "mount rpc error";
+char Eshutdown[] = "mounted device shut down";
+char Eowner[] = "not owner";
+char Eunknown[] = "unknown user or group id";
+char Enocreate[] = "mounted directory forbids creation";
+char Enonexist[] = "file does not exist";
+char Eexist[] = "file already exists";
+char Ebadsharp[] = "unknown device in # filename";
+char Enotdir[] = "not a directory";
+char Eisdir[] = "file is a directory";
+char Ebadchar[] = "bad character in file name";
+char Efilename[] = "file name syntax";
+char Eperm[] = "permission denied";
+char Ebadusefd[] = "inappropriate use of fd";
+char Ebadarg[] = "bad arg in system call";
+char Einuse[] = "device or object already in use";
+char Eio[] = "i/o error";
+char Etoobig[] = "read or write too large";
+char Etoosmall[] = "read or write too small";
+char Enetaddr[] = "bad network address";
+char Emsgsize[] = "message is too big for protocol";
+char Enetbusy[] = "network device is busy or allocated";
+char Enoproto[] = "network protocol not supported";
+char Enoport[] = "network port not available";
+char Enoifc[] = "bad interface or no free interface slots";
+char Enolisten[] = "not announced";
+char Ehungup[] = "i/o on hungup channel";
+char Ebadctl[] = "bad process or channel control request";
+char Enodev[] = "no free devices";
+char Enoenv[] = "no free environment resources";
+char Ethread[] = "thread exited";
+char Enochild[] = "no living children";
+char Eioload[] = "i/o error in demand load";
+char Enovmem[] = "out of memory: virtual memory";
+char Ebadld[] = "illegal line discipline";
+char Ebadfd[] = "fd out of range or not open";
+char Eisstream[] = "seek on a stream";
+char Ebadexec[] = "exec header invalid";
+char Etimedout[] = "connection timed out";
+char Econrefused[] = "connection refused";
+char Econinuse[] = "connection in use";
+char Enetunreach[] = "network unreachable";
+char Eintr[] = "interrupted";
+char Enomem[] = "out of memory: kernel";
+char Esfnotcached[] = "subfont not cached";
+char Esoverlap[] = "segments overlap";
+char Emouseset[] = "mouse type already set";
+char Eshort[] = "i/o count too small";
+char Enobitstore[] = "out of screen memory";
+char Egreg[] = "jim'll fix it";
+char Ebadspec[] = "bad attach specifier";
+char Estopped[] = "thread must be stopped";
+char Enoattach[] = "mount/attach disallowed";
+char Eshortstat[] = "stat buffer too small";
+char Enegoff[] = "negative i/o offset";
+char Ebadstat[] = "malformed stat buffer";
+char Ecmdargs[] = "wrong #args in control message";
+char	Enofd[] = "no free file descriptors";
+char Enoctl[] = "unknown control request";
+void	error(char*);
binary files a/utils/mk/mk b/utils/mk/mk differ