code: 9ferno

ref: 6dce09cec3bf6a689fa9a3f838df67d7d48d9d1a
dir: /dis/init/

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# boot initialization here
# sh -n /dis/init

load std

mount { mntgen } /n
disk/fdisk -p /dev/sdG0/data >/dev/sdG0/ctl
disk/prep -p /dev/sdG0/plan9 > /dev/sdG0/ctl

# for using the cd
9660srv /dev/sdF0/data /n/cd
#bind -b /n/cd/dis /dis
#bind -b /n/cd/Inferno/386 /

### for formatting the disk
###	bind -a '#S' /dev	# simple.b does this
##disk/mbr -m mbr /dev/sdG0/data
##disk/fdisk -baw /dev/sdG0/data
##disk/prep -bw -a^(9fat fs) /dev/sdG0/plan9
##disk/format -b pbs -d -r 2 /dev/sdG0/9fat 9bootfat /n/cd/cfg/plan9.ini
## for installing to a formatted disk
#mount -c { disk/kfs -r -n root /dev/sdG0/fs } /n/local # ream
#disk/kfscmd -n root sync
#disk/mkfs -v -r -s /n/cd/ -d /n/local/ <{ echo + }
#disk/kfscmd -n root sync

# starting inferno already installed to a disk
mount -c { disk/kfs -D -n root /dev/sdG0/fs } /n/local
disk/kfscmd -n root sync
bind -b /n/local/dis /dis
bind -a -c /n/local/ /
disk/mkfs -v -s /n/cd/ -d /n/local/ <{ echo + }

sh -n