code: 9ferno

ref: c11957a7915d355d80ff7e6a21721ba05441ca29
dir: /man/2/hash/

View raw version
hash, HashTable \- hash table
include "hash.m";
hash := load Hash Hash->PATH;

new: fn(size:int):ref HashTable;

HashTable: adt{
	insert: fn(h:self ref HashTable, key:string, val:HashVal);
	find: fn(h:self ref HashTable, key:string):ref HashVal;
	delete: fn(h:self ref HashTable, key:string);
	all: fn(h:self ref HashTable): list of HashNode;
HashVal: adt{
	i: int;
	r: real;
	s: string;
HashNode: adt{
	key: string;
	val: ref HashVal;
fun1, fun2: fn(s:string, n:int):int;
The hash module provides support for arrays that are indexed by keys of type
.BR string .

The values may be any combination of
.BR int ,
.BR real ,
.BR string .
.B New
creates and returns a new
.B HashTable
.I size
slots. The hashing works best if
.I size
is a prime number. The
.B HashVal
adt contains the data values of the hash.
.B HashNode
adt contains the key/value pair for each element in the table.
.IB ht .insert( "key, value" )
Adds a new
.IR key / value
pair to the table.
If an element with the same
.I key
already exists,
it will acquire the new
.IR value .
.IB ht .find( key )
Search the table for an element with the given
.I key
and return the value found; return nil if none was found.
.IB ht .delete( key )
Removes any element with the given
.I key
from the table.
.IB ht .all()
Returns a list of all key/value pairs stored in the table.
.B Fun1
.B fun2
provide access to two different string hashing functions.
.B Fun1
is the function used internally;
.B fun2
is the same as that used in the Limbo compiler.
They each compute the hash value of 
.I s
and return a value between 0 and
.IR n \-1.
.B /appl/lib/hash.b
.B HashVal
should really be a
.BR pick .