code: 9ferno

ref: c11957a7915d355d80ff7e6a21721ba05441ca29
dir: /man/2/ida/

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Ida: Frag, fragment, consistent, reconstruct \- information dispersal algorithm
include "ida.m";
ida := load Ida Ida->PATH;

Frag: adt {
    dlen: int;            # length of original data
    m:    int;            # minimum pieces for reconstruction
    a:    array of int;   # encoding array row for this fragment
    enc:  array of int;   # encoded data

    tag:  array of byte;  # user data, such as SHA1 hash
    pack: fn(f: self ref Frag): array of byte;
    unpack: fn(d: array of byte): ref Frag;

init:        fn();
fragment:    fn(data: array of byte, m: int): ref Frag;
consistent:  fn(frags: array of ref Frag): array of ref Frag;
reconstruct: fn(frags: array of ref Frag): (array of byte, string);
.B Ida
implements Rabin's Information Dispersal Algorithm (IDA), an effective scheme
for fault-tolerant storage and message routing.
The algorithm breaks an array of bytes (for instance a file or a block of data) into
.I n
in such a way that the original data can be recovered using only
.I m
of them, where
.I n
.I m
are parameters.
The module provides the fundamental operations.
.B Init
must be called before invoking any other operation of the module.
.B Fragment
takes an array of
.IR data ,
.IR m ,
the minimum number of pieces required for reconstruction,
and returns a reference to a
.B Frag
value representing one encoded fragment of the data.
At least
.I m
calls must be made to
.B fragment
to obtain enough such fragments to be able to rebuild the data;
invariably more fragments are generated to provide the desired level of redundancy.
Each fragment
.B Frag
has the following components:
.B dlen
The length in bytes of the
.IR data .
.B m
The minimum number of fragments for reconstruction.
.B a
The row of an \fIm\fP×\fIm\fP encoding matrix that corresponds to this fragment.
.B enc
The encoded data, represented by an array of integer values.
.I L
bytes of input data, the array will have length
.\\"$ left ceil L over 2m right ceil $.
.rm 11 
.ds 12 "\f2L\fP
.ds 13 "\f12\fP\f2\^m\fP
.nr 12 0\w'\s+0\*(12'
.nr 13 0\w'\s+0\*(13'
.nr 14 \n(12
.if \n(13>\n(14 .nr 14 \n(13
.nr 14 \n(14+0.5m
.ds 12 \v'0.7m'\h'\n(14u-\n(13u/2u'\*(13\v'-0.7m'\
.ds 12 \^\v'0.13m'\b'\(lc\(bv\(bv'\v'-0.13m'\*(12\v'0.13m'\b'\(rc\(bv\(bv'\v'-0.13m'
.ds 12 \x'0-0.85m'\*(12\x'1.05m'
.as 11 \*(12
.lf 4
.as 11 ".
.lf 5
All those values must be stored or transmitted for later use, to reconstruct the data.
The values in
.B a
are in the interval
.RI "[ 1,\ 65536 ]"
and those in
.B enc
are in the interval
.RI "[ 0,\ 65536 ]."
.B Reconstruct
takes an array
.I frags
of distinct fragments previously produced by repeated calls to
.BI fragment( data,\ m )
and returns a tuple
.BI ( data,\ err ) .
Provided at least
.I m
suitable fragments are found in
.IR frags ,
.I data
returned will be that originally provided to
.BR fragment .
If the parameters of the various fragments in
.I frags
disagree, or some other error occurs,
.I data
will be nil and
.I err
will contain a diagnostic.
.B Reconstruct
assumes the fragments it receives are consistent:
they represent the same encoding parameters, including the value of
.IR m .
If it detects an inconsistency, it returns a diagnostic.
.B Consistent
checks the consistency of a set of fragments, and returns a new subset containing
only those fragments that agree with the majority in
.I frags
on each parameter.
.B /appl/lib/ida/ida.b
.B /appl/lib/ida/idatab.b
M Rabin, ``Efficient Dispersal of Information for Security, Load Balancing, and Fault Tolerance'',
.BR 36(2) ,
April 1989,
pp. 335-348.