code: 9ferno

ref: c11957a7915d355d80ff7e6a21721ba05441ca29
dir: /man/2/keyring-rc4/

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keyring: rc4setup, rc4, rc4skip, rc4back \- RC4 encryption
include "keyring.m";
keyring := load Keyring Keyring->PATH;

rc4setup: fn(seed: array of byte): ref RC4state;
rc4:      fn(state: ref RC4state, buf: array of byte, n: int);
rc4skip:  fn(state: ref RC4state, n: int);
rc4back:  fn(state: ref RC4state, n: int);
These functions implement the stream encryption algorithm that is claimed to
be equivalent to RSA Security's RC4.
It is a pseudo-random number generator with a 256
byte state and a long cycle.
.B Rc4setup
sets the initial
.IR seed ,
which can be any non-zero length, and
returns a representation of the initial state of the algorithm,
which is used in subsequent calls.
.B Rc4
runs the generator starting with the given
.IR state ,
and XORs the output of the generator with
the first
.I n
bytes of
.IR buf ,
updating the
.IR state .
.B Rc4
is symmetric and is used both to encrypt and decrypt.
.B Rc4skip
skips over bytes (eg, to account for lost transmissions);
.B rc4back
runs the generator backwards (eg, to account for retransmissions).
.IR keyring-intro (2),
.IR keyring-crypt (2)