code: 9ferno

ref: c11957a7915d355d80ff7e6a21721ba05441ca29
dir: /man/2/spree-allow/

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Allow \- filter client actions
include "spree.m";
include "spree/allow.m";
Clique, Member, Object: import Spree;
allow := load Allow Allow->PATH;

init:		fn(m: Spree, c: ref Clique);
add:		fn(tag: int, member: ref Member, pattern: string);
del:		fn(tag: int, member: ref Member);
action:	fn(member: ref Member, cmd: string): (string, int, list of string);
archive:	fn(archiveobj: ref Object);
unarchive: fn(archiveobj: ref Object);
.IR spree (2)
client can send arbitrary actions to a running
engine.  The
.B Allow
module enables an engine to filter clients'
actions, permitting only actions matching
certain provided patterns to get through.
An action is conventionally formatted as
a sequence of space-separated words.
.I pattern
is a string consisting of a sequence of such words.
For a pattern to match a client's action, each word in the pattern
must match each word in the action.
Most pattern words are not special: they must match
literally. The exceptions are:
.B *
An asterisk matches any single word.
.B "&"
An ampersand matches any set of words.
Any words in the pattern after this are ignored.
.B %d
Matches a decimal integer.
.B %p
Matches a valid player id (decimal integer).
.B %o
Matches any valid object id (decimal integer).
The corresponding word in the list returned by
.B action
will be changed to the local object id from
the member's external representation.
.B Init
must be called first with the spree module,
.IR m ,
and the current clique,
.IR c ,
to initialise the module.
.B Add
adds the new
.I pattern
to the list of allowed actions;
.I tag
is an integer tag that the caller can later use to identify the
action, and
I member
is the clique member that is allowed to perform the action
(if nil, then any member will be allowed to perform the action).
.B Del
deletes patterns tagged with
.I tag
from the list of allowed actions.
.I member
is non-nil, then only patterns specific to
that member will be deleted.
.B Action
.IR cmd ,
an action performed by
.IR member ,
against the list of all the allowed patterns.
It returns a tuple, say
.RI ( err\fR,\ \fItag\fR,\  \fItoks\fR).
.I cmd
does not match any pattern, then
.I err
will be non-nil and holds a string describing the
nature of the failure.
If a match is made, then
.I tag
holds the matched pattern's tag, as passed to
.BR add ,
.I toks
holds the list of words in the action, with
object ids matched by
.B %o
changed to their local representation using
.IB member .obj\fR.
.B Archive
stores all the
.I allow
module's internal state as attributes on
.I archiveobj
(for card game engines, this is usually the
object returned from
.B cardlib->archive
.IR cardlib (2))).
.B Unarchive
reverses this, restoring the module's internal state from
.IR archiveobj .
.IR spree (2) ,
.IR spree-cardlib (2) ,
.IR spree-objstore (2)