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.TH QIO 10.2
qio: qget, qdiscard, qconsume, qpass, qproduce, qcopy, qopen, qbread, qread, qbwrite, qwrite, qiwrite, qfree, qclose, qhangup, qreopen, qlen, qwindow, qcanread, qsetlimit, qnoblock, qflush, qfull \- queued I/O for devices
.ta \w'\fLQueue*  'u
Queue*	qopen(int limit,int msg, void (*kick)(void*),void *arg)
void	qhangup(Queue *q, char *reason)
void	qclose(Queue *q)
void	qreopen(Queue *q)
void	qfree(Queue *q)
long	qbwrite(Queue *q, Block *b)
long	qwrite(Queue *q, void *buf, int len)
int	qpass(Queue *q, Block *b)
int	qpassnolim(Queue *q, Block *b)
int	qproduce(Queue *q, void	*buf, int len)
int	qiwrite(Queue *q, void *buf, int len)
Block*	qbread(Queue *q, int len)
long	qread(Queue *q, void *buf, int len)
Block*	qcopy(Queue *q, int len, ulong offset)
Block*	qget(Queue *q)
int	qconsume(Queue *q, void *buf, int len)
int	qdiscard(Queue *q, int len)
void	qflush(Queue *q)
int	qlen(Queue *q)
int	qwindow(Queue *q)
int	qcanread(Queue *q)
void	qsetlimit(Queue *q, int limit)
void	qnoblock(Queue *q, int nonblock)
int	qfull(Queue *q);
This suite of functions provides serial data buffering for device drivers.
Data is stored in a
.B Queue
structure as a sequence of variable-sized
.BR Blocks ;
.IR allocb (10.2).
.I Qopen
initialises and returns a pointer to a new
.BR Queue ,
configuring it according to the following parameters:
.TF limit
.I limit
Set the queue limit (high water mark) in bytes.
.I msg
Set message mode if non-zero; otherwise, stream mode (discussed below).
.I kick
Optional flow-control function called by
.I qbread
to restart writers, and by
.I qbwrite
.IR qiwrite )
to restart readers.
.I arg
Argument to pass to
.I kick
.I Qhangup
.I q
as `hung up'
for the given
.IR reason
.RB ( Ehungup
by default).
Subsequent attempts to write to the queue raise an
.IR error (10.2).
.I Qhangup
does not flush the queue: subsequent read requests are
handled normally until the queue empties.
.I Qread
and the other functions then return their conventional values
for a hungup stream: 0, -1 or a null pointer, depending on the function.
After a few such attempts by any process, an
.IR error (10.2)
is raised (typically
.BR Ehungup )
on each subsequent read.
If queued data is left unread, and not flushed by
.I qflush
.IR qclose ,
the data will again be readable following a subsequent
.IR qreopen .
.I Qclose
also marks a given
.I q
as `hung up',
but removes and frees any queued data Blocks.
.I Qclose
ignores calls when
.I q
is null.
.I Qreopen
makes a closed or hung up queue available for use again.
The queue's data limit is reset to the
.I limit
value given when the queue was first created by
.IR qopen ,
cancelling the effect of any previous call to
.IR qsetlimit .
.I Qfree
.I q
.I qclose
and frees it.
The caller must ensure that no references remain;
these functions do not keep a reference count.
.SS "Flow control"
The queue I/O routines provide a flow control mechanism to coordinate producers and consumers.
Each queue has a limit on the number of bytes queued, its `high water mark',
initially set when the queue is created, but adjustable by
.IR qsetlimit ,
The low water mark is not set explicitly:
it is always half the current queue limit.
When the high water mark is exceeded, writes normally block until a reader drains the
queue below its low water mark; the writer is then allowed to proceed.
Conversely, readers normally block when the queue is empty, until a writer
arrives with data, or the queue is closed.
A queue can be given a
.I kick
function when the queue is created by
.IR qopen .
The function is invoked by
.IR qread
.IR qbread ,
to prod an output routine when the queue falls below the low-water mark, and by
.IR qwrite ,
.IR qbwrite
.IR qiwrite ,
to notify a reader that a queue is no longer empty.
.I kick
is called from the reading (or writing) process, or an interrupt handler, it
must not block.
Interrupt handlers must not
.IR sleep (10.2),
and are therefore restricted to using only the non-blocking functions described below.
.SS "Stream mode and message mode"
In stream mode,
no read will return more than one
of data, but
a read can split a block that contains more data than requested, leaving the remainder
in a new block at the front of the Queue.
Writes of more than the maximum
.B Block
size (currently 128k bytes)
are split into as many Blocks as required, each written separately to the queue,
in order, but with possible flow-control between them.
The queue is locked meanwhile, however, so that data from other writers is not intermingled.
In message mode, by contrast, a read will return at most
one block's worth of data, but the remainder of a partially-read block will be discarded,
not returned to the queue.
If a write count exceeds the maximum
.B Block
size, the excess data is discarded:
at most a single block can be queued.
The mode of the queue should be taken into account in the descriptions below
of the following functions:
.IR qwrite ,
.IR qiwrite ,
.IR qbread
.IR qconsume .
No other functions are aware of the distinction.
.SS "Write operations (flow controlled)"
.I Qwrite
.I len
bytes of data from
.I buf
into one or more
.B Blocks
which it places on the
.IR q .
.I Qwrite
always returns
.IR len .
It can implement message mode.
.I Qbwrite
places the single Block
.I b
on the tail of
.IR q ,
waking any sleeping reader.
If the queue is full, the
writing process blocks until a reader
has reduced the queued data to
the low-water mark;
if the queue is non-blocking
.I qnoblock
the data is discarded without notice.
.I Qbwrite
normally returns
.IR len ,
but raises an
.IR error (10.2)
if the queue is closed (see
.I qhangup
.IR qclose ).
The block
.I b
is always freed.
Note that
.I b
can be empty (zero-length), to punctuate the data in a queue.
.I Qbwrite
cannot handle a list of Blocks;
.I qpass
must be used instead.
.SS Non-blocking writes
.I Qproduce
returns -1immediately  if
.I q
is full.
Otherwise, it queues
.I len
bytes of data from
.I buf
in a single
.B Block
.I q
and returns the number of bytes written.
.I Qpass
attempts to place the list of Blocks headed by
.I b
.IR q ,
returning the number of bytes written if successful.
.I q
was full, it
frees the Block list
.I b
and returns -1.
.I Qpassnolim
puts the Block list
.I b
.I q
regardless of flow control; it returns the number of bytes in the list
.IR b .
.I Qiwrite
is a variant of
.I qwrite
used exclusively by the kernel print function,
to allow printing by interrupt handlers;
.I qiwrite
could be used with care by other routines, but
.IR qproduce
is preferable.
.I Qiwrite
writes the
.I len
bytes of data at
.I buf
into the
.I q
without regard to flow control;
the writer never blocks.
The queue is assumed to be open.
.I Qiwrite
always returns
.IR len .
It can implement message mode.
.SS "Read operations (flow controlled)"
.I Qbread
blocks until data arrives on
.IR q ,
returns the first
.BR Block ;
it limits the data returned
.I len
bytes (in the manner depending on the mode of
.IR q ).
It returns a null pointer if the queue has hung up.
.I Qread
reads a Block of up to
.I len
bytes from
.I q
.IR qbread ,
and copies the data in the Block into
.IR buf ,
then frees the Block and returns
the number of bytes read.
.I Qread
returns 0 on end of file or error (hangup).
It can implement message mode.
.I Qcopy
returns a Block with a copy of data from the queue (the data remains on the queue).
The copy begins
.I offset
bytes into the queue's data and proceeds until
.I len
bytes have been copied or no more data remains.
The Block's read and write pointers delimit the data copied into it.
.I Qcopy
can be used by a reliable transport protocol to copy a packet for transmission,
leaving the data queued for possible retransmission, if unacknowledged.
.SS Non-blocking reads
.I Qconsume
returns -1 immediately if
.I q
is empty.
Otherwise, it
copies up to
.I len
bytes from the first
.B Block
on the queue into
.IR buf ,
returning the number of bytes copied.
It can implement message mode.
.I Qget
returns a null pointer immediately if
.I q
is empty or closed.
Otherwise, it
returns the first
.B Block
on the queue.
.SS "Discard and flush"
.I Qdiscard
removes the first
.I len
data bytes from
.IR q ;
it returns the number of bytes actually discarded, in case
the queue is shorter than
.IR len .
If the queue drains below the low-water mark,
.I qdiscard
wakes any sleeping writers.
Since it does not block,
.I qdiscard
can safely be called from interrupt handlers.
It is useful in transport protocol drivers to remove data from the queue
once acknowledged.
.I Qflush
discards all data waiting on
.IR q ,
waking any waiting writer.
.SS "Queue status"
The following functions return a Queue's status.
Note that between a call to one of these functions and another operation,
the state can change if a driver allows concurrent access by
either another process or an interrupt handler.
.I Qlen
returns the number of bytes queued on
.IR q .
.I Qwindow
returns the number of bytes that can be written before reaching the queue's high-water mark.
A return of 0 means that a write operation will certainly block;
a non-zero return gives no guarantees (see
.IR qfull ,
.I Qcanread
returns 1 if any data queued is queued. A subsequent read operation will not block.
.I Qfull
returns non-zero if
.I q
is flow-controlled and a write would block or a non-blocking write would return an error.
(Note that the implementation allows
.I qwindow
to return non-zero yet
.I qfull
to return true.)
.SS "Queue control"
.I Qsetlimit
sets the high water mark for the queue to
.IR limit .
Note that
.I qopen
saves the initial queue limit.
If the queue is closed and reopened (by
.IR qreopen )
that initial limit is restored.
.I Qnoblock
sets or resets non-blocking mode.
.I nonblock
is non-zero,
the queue becomes non-blocking, and
data written to a queue beyond its high water mark is discarded
by calls that would otherwise block.
.B /os/port/qio.c
.B /emu/port/qio.c
.IR allocb (10.2),
.IR ref (10.2)