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w3c-xpointers \- parser for XPointers framework including XPath
include "xpointers.m";

xpointers := load Xpointers Xpointers->PATH;
Xpath, Xstep: import xpointers;

# special operators ('+', '-', etc represent themselves)
One, Ole, Oge, Omul, Odiv, Omod, Oand, Oor, Oneg,
Onodetype, Onametest, Ofilter, Opath: con ...;

# axis types
Aself: con iota;

Xstep: adt {
   axis:  int;  # Aancestor, ... (above)
   op:    int;  # Onametest or Onodetype
   ns:    string;
   name:  string;
   arg:   string;  # optional parameter to processing-instruction
   preds: cyclic list of ref Xpath;

   text:  fn(nil: self ref Xstep): string;
   axisname:  fn(i: int): string;

Xpath: adt {
   E =>
      op:    int;
      l, r:  cyclic ref Xpath;
   Fn =>
      ns:    string;
      name:  string;
      args:  cyclic list of ref Xpath;
   Var =>
      ns:    string;
      name:  string;
   Path =>
      abs:   int;
      steps: list of ref Xstep;
   Int =>
      val:   big;
   Real =>
      val:   real;
   Str =>
      s:     string;
   text: fn(nil: self ref Xpath): string;

framework:  fn(s: string):
               (string, list of (string, string, string), string);

# predefined schemes
element:    fn(s: string): (string, list of int, string);
xmlns:      fn(s: string): (string, string, string);
xpointer:   fn(s: string): (ref Xpath, string);
.B Xpointers
implements a parser for the World-Wide Web Consortium's XPointers framework,
including a parser for XPath expressions.
.B Init
must be called before any other operation in the module.
.B Framework
parses a string
.I s
according to the grammar for the XPointers framework,
and returns a tuple
.BI ( short,\ pointers,\ err ) .
On an error, the string
.I err
gives a diagnostic and the other two values are nil.
Otherwise, if
.I short
is non-nil, the XPointer was a `shorthand pointer', with the given value;
.I pointers
will be nil.
If a scheme-based pointer is used,
.I short
is nil and
.I pointers
has a list of tuples
.BI ( ns,\ scheme,\ data ) ,
each representing one pointer value.
.I Ns
is the XML name space for the given
.IR scheme ;
the default name space is represented by nil.
.I Scheme
is the XPointer scheme name within that name space; and
.I data
is the actual pointer value following the rules of that scheme.
(They all have completely different syntax.)
Three common schemes are directly supported by the module,
by functions named after the scheme.
All of them follow the convention of returning a tuple in which
the last element is a diagnostic string.
On an error, all but that last element of the tuple will be nil,
and the last element will be a non-nil string with a diagnostic.
.B Xmlns
parses an XML name space definition of the form
.IB ns = uri,
and returns its components.
.B Element
parses a value of the XPointer
.B element
scheme, given by the grammar:
.ft I
selector \f1::=\fP name child*  \f1|\fP  child+
child \f1::=\fP '\f5/\fP' \f5[1-9][0-9]\fP*
The optional
.I name
is an XPointer `shorthand pointer'.
.I child
number selects the child with that index (origin 1) at the corresponding level of the XML tree
beneath the node selected by the
.IR name ,
or starting at the root of the XML tree.
.B Element
returns a tuple
.BI (( name,\ path ) ,\ err )
.I name
is the top element name or nil if none was specified,
.I path
is a
.B "list of int"
giving the path of child indices.
The most complex scheme is
.BR xpointer ,
because its syntax is that of XML's elaborate XPath expression.
.B Xpointer
parses such an expression and returns a tuple
.BI ( e,\ err )
.I e
refers to an
.B Xpath
value that represents the abstract syntax of the XPath
.BR Expr .
.B Xpointer
checks only the syntax of
.IR s ,
and does not check that functions are limited to those specified by the
.B xpointer
scheme (that is consistent with it being a parse of
.IR s ,
rather than an XPointer or XPath evaluator).
.B Xpath
.B Xstep
together represent an abstract syntax of the XPath grammar.
.B Xstep
represents the XPath
.B Step
grammar rule, with all abbreviations expanded to their full form:
.ft I
Step \f1::=\fP AxisName '\f5::\fP' NodeTest Predicate*
NodeTest \f1::=\fP NameTest \f1|\fP NodeType '\f5(\fP' '\f5)\fP'
NameTest \f1::=\fP '\f5*\fP' \f1|\fP NCName '\f5:\fP' '\f5*\fP' \f1|\fP (NCName '\f5:\fP')? NCName
Predicate \f1::=\fP '\f5[\fP' Expr '\f5]\fP'
The correspondence is as follows:
.TF s.text()
.IB s .axis
Represents the
.B AxisName
by one of the constants
.B Aancestor
.BR Aself .
.IB s .op
.B Onametest
.B Onodetype
to say which rule is represented
.IB s .ns
For a
.IR NameTest ,
gives the XML name space;
can be
.L *
for `any name space' or nil for the default name space.
For a
.IR NodeType ,
gives the type:
.BR comment ,
.BR node ,
.BR processing-instruction ,
.BR text .
.IB s .name
Gives the
.I name
for a
.IR NameTest ;
can be
.L *
for `any name'.
.IB s .arg
The optional literal parameter to a
.I NodeType
that is a
.BR processing-instruction .
.IB s .preds
A list of
.B Xpath
values representing the optional sequence of
.I Predicate
.IB s .text()
Returns a string representing the
.B Xstep
in textual form.
.IB s .axisname( a )
Returns the printable text for axis code
.I a
one of
.B Aancestor
.BR Aself )
.B Xpath
values represent an abstract syntax for an XPath expression.
Briefly, an expression follows the grammar below (see the XPath specification for the full concrete syntax).
.ft I
.ta \w'e ::=  'u
e ::=	e '\f5or\fP' e
   |	e '\f5and\fP' e
   |	e \f1(\fP'\f5=\fP' \f1|\fP '\f5!=\fP'\f1)\fP e
   |	e \f1(\fP'\f5<\fP' \f1|\fP '\f5<=\fP' \f1|\fP '\f5>=\fP' \f1|\fP '\f5>\fP'\f1)\fP e
   |	e \f1(\fP'\f5+\fP' \f1|\fP '\f5-\fP'\f1)\fP e
   |	e \f1(\fP'\f5*\fP' \f1|\fP '\f5div\fP' \f1|\fP '\f5mod\fP'\f1)\fP e
   |	'\f5-\fP' e
   |	e '\f5|\fP' e
   |	filter
   |	path
filter ::= primary predicate* \f1(\fP\f1(\fP'\f5/\fP' \f1|\fP '\f5//\fP'\f1)\fP relpath\f1)\fP?
primary ::= '\f5$\fP' QName \f1|\fP '\f5(\fP' e '\f5)\fP' \f1|\fP Literal \f1|\fP Number \f1|\fP FunctionName '\f5(\fP' \f1(\fPe \f1(\fP'\f5,\fP' e\f1)\fP*\f1)\fP '\f5)\fP'
path ::= '\f5/\fP' relpath \f1|\fP relpath
relpath ::= relpath '\f5/\fP' relpath \f1|\fP relpath '\f5//\fP' relpath \f1|\fP Step
Most of
.I e
is represented by a binary tree using the pick
.BI Xpath.E( op,\ l,\ r )
.I op
is an operator symbol (either the character itself or one of the constants
.BR One ,
.BR Odiv ,
etc. for compound symbols),
.I l
.I r
represent the operands.
The only unary operator
.B Oneg
has its operand in
.IR l .
.I filter
uses the binary operator
.BI Xpath.E(Ofilter ,\ e,\ pred )
to apply each
.I predicate
to the preceding
.I primary
.IR predicate .
.I filter
also uses
.BI Xpath.E(Opath ,\ e,\ relpath )
to apply the optional
.I relpath
(represented by a value of
.BR Xpath.Path )
to the preceding part of the filter expression.
The other cases in the pick adt correspond to the various choices of
.I path
.IR primary .
Integer and real numbers are distinguished.
.I Literal
is represented by
.BR Xpath.Str ;
variable references (ie,
.BI $ QName\c
are represented by
.BR XPath.Var ,
.I ns
gives the optional XML name space of the
.IR name .
.I Path
is represented by
.BI Xpath.Path( abs,\ steps )
.I abs is non-zero if and only if the path is absolute (starts with `/' or `//'),
.I steps
lists the
.B Xstep
values corresponding to the slash-separated
.I Steps
in the grammar.
Abbreviated forms such as
.RB ` // '
are converted by
.B xpointer
to their full internal form in terms of
.RB ` / ',
as defined by the specification,
so there is no need to distinguish the delimiters in this representation.
.B /appl/lib/w3c/xpointers.b
``XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0'',
``XPointer framework'',
``XPointer element() scheme'',
``XPointer xmlns() scheme'',
``XPointer xpointer() scheme'',