code: 9ferno

ref: cac8065150ebe87c45816b84b08d10c4e971f03f
dir: /libtk/

View raw version

# This is the first screen of the Sun mailtool

# Frame .frame1 contains top-row buttons, label and entry
# Frame .frame2 contains bottom-row buttons
frame .frame1 -relief flat -bd 2
frame .frame1.frame11 -relief flat -bd 2
frame .frame1.frame12 -relief flat -bd 2
frame .frame2 -relief flat -bd 2
frame .frame2.frame21 -relief flat -bd 2
frame .frame2.frame22 -relief flat -bd 2
#frame .dummy -width 18c 
pack .frame1 .frame2 -side top -fill x
pack .frame2.frame21 -side left -fill x
pack .frame2.frame22 -side left -fill x
pack .frame1.frame11 -side left -fill x
pack .frame1.frame12 -side left -fill x
# Scrolltext frame
frame .frame3 -relief sunken -bd 2
frame .frame3.frame

# File View Edit Compose buttons and associated menus

# Build File button
menubutton .frame1.frame11.file -text {File} -relief raised -width 8 \    	
        -menu {}

# Build File-menu 
menu add command \
    -label {Load In-Box} \
    -state {active} add command \
    -label {Print} add command \
    -label {Save Changes} add command \
    -label {Done} add command \
    -label {Mail Files...}

# Build View button
menubutton .frame1.frame11.view -text {View} -relief raised -width 8 \
        -menu {}

# Build View-menu
menu add command \
    -label {Messages} add command \
    -label {Previous} add command \
    -label {Next} \
    -state {active} add command \
    -label {Sort By} add command \
    -label {Find...}

# Build Edit button
menubutton .frame1.frame11.edit -text {Edit} -relief raised -width 8 \
        -menu {}

# Build Edit-menu
  menu add command \
    -label {Cut} add command \
    -label {Copy} add command \
    -label {Delete} add command \
    -label {Undelete} add separator add command \
    -label {Properties....}

# Build Compose button
menubutton .frame1.frame11.compose -text {Compose} -relief raised -width 12 \
        -menu {}

# Build Compose-menu
  menu add command \
    -label {New} add command \
    -label {Reply} add command \
    -label {Forward} add separator add command \
    -label { Vacation}

# Pack the buttons File, View, Edit, Compose
pack .frame1.frame11.file \
    .frame1.frame11.view \
    .frame1.frame11.edit \
    .frame1.frame11.compose \
     -side left 


# Build Done, Next, Delete, Reply buttons and associated menus
# Build Done button
menubutton .frame2.frame21.done -text {Done} -relief raised  -width 8 \
	-menu {}

# Build Done-menu (empty)

# Build Next button
menubutton -text {Next} -relief raised  -width 8 \
         -menu {}

# Build Next-menu (empty)

# Build Delete button
menubutton .frame2.frame21.delete -text {Delete} -relief raised -width 8 \
        -menu {}

# Build Delete-menu (empty)

# Build Reply button
menubutton .frame2.frame21.reply -text {Reply} -relief raised -width 12 \
        -menu {}

# Build Reply-menu
menu add command \
    -label {To Sender} add command \
    -label {To All} add command \
    -label {To Sender, Include} add command \
    -label {To All, Include}

# Pack buttons Done, Next, Delete, Reply
pack .frame2.frame21.done \ \
    .frame2.frame21.delete \
    .frame2.frame21.reply \
     -side left 


# Build buttons Move, Copy, Load and associated menus
menubutton .frame2.frame22.move -text {Move} -relief raised -width 8 \
        -menu {}
menu add command \
    -label {Entry}

menubutton .frame2.frame22.copy -text {Copy} -relief raised -width 8 \
        -menu {}
menu add command \
    -label {Entry}

menubutton .frame2.frame22.load -text {Load} -relief raised -width 8 \
        -menu {}
menu add command \
    -label {Entry}

pack .frame2.frame22.move \
    .frame2.frame22.copy \
    .frame2.frame22.load \
     -side left -fill x


# Build Mail-File label and Dir-Path entry widgets 
label .frame1.frame12.lab_mailfile -relief flat -text {Mail File:   }
entry .frame1.frame12.entry_mailfile -width 30 -relief sunken -bd 2 
pack .frame1.frame12.entry_mailfile -side right 
pack .frame1.frame12.lab_mailfile  -side left 


# Build scrolltext w/ scrollbars
scrollbar .frame3.frame.scrollbar1 \
	-command {.frame3.frame.listbox1 xview} \
	-orient {horizontal} \
    	-relief {raised}
scrollbar .frame3.frame.scrollbar2 \
	-command {.frame3.frame.listbox1 yview} \
	-relief {raised}
text .frame3.frame.listbox1 \
	-relief {raised} \
	-xscrollcommand {.frame3.frame.scrollbar1 set} \
    	-yscrollcommand {.frame3.frame.scrollbar2 set}
.frame3.frame.listbox1 insert end {Some Text}
pack .frame3.frame 
pack .frame3.frame.scrollbar2 -side left -fill y 
pack .frame3.frame.listbox1 -side top -expand 1 -fill both
pack .frame3.frame.scrollbar1 -side bottom -fill x

# Pack frame3 to the rest of container frames
pack .frame3 .frame3.frame -side top -expand 1 -fill both


# Build label(???) at the bottom
label .lab_msgnum -relief flat
pack .lab_msgnum -side top -fill x

# Now make everything visible

# Enable keyboard traversal of a menu (Is this needed in inferno Tk?) 
#tk_menuBar .frame1.frame11 .frame1.frame11.file .frame1.frame11.view \
        #.frame1.frame11.edit .frame1.frame11.compose
#tk_menuBar .frame2.frame21 .frame2.frame21.done \
        #.frame2.frame21.delete .frame2.frame21.reply \
        #.frame2.frame22 .frame2.frame22.move .frame2.frame22.copy .frame2.frame22.load
focus .frame1.frame11