code: plan9front

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ref: 27bdfccc4095a289e1a9bfcc1e98f5cca9c0a9c3
parent: 3ba62d3cd01c4683e195ee6ea3904c9f4c79491a
author: glenda <glenda@9front.local>
date: Sat Jan 22 22:08:35 EST 2022

/lib/theo: You obviously don't know what you are doing, and I think you don't deserve help.

--- a/lib/theo
+++ b/lib/theo
@@ -934,3 +934,7 @@
 We don't need to make statements people perceive as promises.
 That might be desireable.  Or it might not be.
 I always prefer software that does precisely what I expect it to do.
+You obviously don't know what you are doing, and I think you don't deserve help.
+I am asking you to leave this list.
+Waiting for the diff, to see what it does.
+You diff is not OK.