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ref: 2aa2f9f359a84b25c0a2ed488c4d0319c9ea8c55
parent: 90bd02d5af84eaaffe5adb1a175c8fbb2295a7e4
author: cinap_lenrek <>
date: Tue Jul 14 02:51:02 EDT 2015

kernel: remove debugalloc.c

--- a/sys/src/9/port/debugalloc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,684 +1,0 @@
-#include	"u.h"
-#include	"../port/lib.h"
-#include	"mem.h"
-#include	"pool.h"
-#include	"dat.h"
-#include	"fns.h"
-#include	"error.h"
-#define left	u.s.bhl
-#define right	u.s.bhr
-#define fwd	u.s.bhf
-#define prev	u.s.bhv
-#define parent	u.s.bhp
-typedef struct Bhdr	Bhdr;
-struct Bhdr {
-	ulong	magic;
-	ulong	size;
-enum {
-	NOT_MAGIC = 0xdeadfa11,
-struct Pool
-	char*	name;
-	ulong	maxsize;
-	int	quanta;
-	int	chunk;
-	ulong	cursize;
-	ulong	arenasize;
-	ulong	hw;
-	Lock	l;
-	Bhdr*	root;
-	Bhdr*	chain;
-	int	nalloc;
-	int	nfree;
-	int	nbrk;
-	int	lastfree;
-	void	(*move)(void*, void*);
-	int	n;
-	Pool	pool[MAXPOOL];
-	Lock	l;
-} table = {
-	2,
-	{
-		{ "Main",	 4*1024*1024, 31,  128*1024 },
-		{ "Image",	 16*1024*1024, 31, 2*1024*1024 },
-	}
-Pool*	mainmem = &table.pool[0];
-Pool*	imagmem = &table.pool[1];
-int	poolcompact(Pool*);
-poolchain(Pool *p)
-	return p->chain;
-pooldel(Pool *p, Bhdr *t)
-	Bhdr *s, *f, *rp, *q;
-	if(t->parent == nil && p->root != t) {
-		t->prev->fwd = t->fwd;
-		t->fwd->prev = t->prev;
-		return;
-	}
-	if(t->fwd != t) {
-		f = t->fwd;
-		s = t->parent;
-		f->parent = s;
-		if(s == nil)
-			p->root = f;
-		else {
-			if(s->left == t)
-				s->left = f;
-			else
-				s->right = f;
-		}
-		rp = t->left;
-		f->left = rp;
-		if(rp != nil)
-			rp->parent = f;
-		rp = t->right;
-		f->right = rp;
-		if(rp != nil)
-			rp->parent = f;
-		t->prev->fwd = t->fwd;
-		t->fwd->prev = t->prev;
-		return;
-	}
-	if(t->left == nil)
-		rp = t->right;
-	else {
-		if(t->right == nil)
-			rp = t->left;
-		else {
-			f = t;
-			rp = t->right;
-			s = rp->left;
-			while(s != nil) {
-				f = rp;
-				rp = s;
-				s = rp->left;
-			}
-			if(f != t) {
-				s = rp->right;
-				f->left = s;
-				if(s != nil)
-					s->parent = f;
-				s = t->right;
-				rp->right = s;
-				if(s != nil)
-					s->parent = rp;
-			}
-			s = t->left;
-			rp->left = s;
-			s->parent = rp;
-		}
-	}
-	q = t->parent;
-	if(q == nil)
-		p->root = rp;
-	else {
-		if(t == q->left)
-			q->left = rp;
-		else
-			q->right = rp;
-	}
-	if(rp != nil)
-		rp->parent = q;
-pooladd(Pool *p, Bhdr *q)
-	int size;
-	Bhdr *tp, *t;
-	q->magic = MAGIC_F;
-	q->left = nil;
-	q->right = nil;
-	q->parent = nil;
-	q->fwd = q;
-	q->prev = q;
-	t = p->root;
-	if(t == nil) {
-		p->root = q;
-		return;
-	}
-	size = q->size;
-	tp = nil;
-	while(t != nil) {
-		if(size == t->size) {
-			q->fwd = t->fwd;
-			q->fwd->prev = q;
-			q->prev = t;
-			t->fwd = q;
-			return;
-		}
-		tp = t;
-		if(size < t->size)
-			t = t->left;
-		else
-			t = t->right;
-	}
-	q->parent = tp;
-	if(size < tp->size)
-		tp->left = q;
-	else
-		tp->right = q;
-poolalloc(Pool *p, int size)
-	Bhdr *q, *t;
-	int alloc, ldr, ns, frag;
-	if(size < 0 || size >= 1024*1024*1024)	/* for sanity and to avoid overflow */
-		return nil;
-	size = (size + BHDRSIZE + p->quanta) & ~(p->quanta);
-	ilock(&p->l);
-	p->nalloc++;
-	t = p->root;
-	q = nil;
-	while(t) {
-		if(t->size == size) {
-			pooldel(p, t);
-			t->magic = MAGIC_A;
-			p->cursize += t->size;
-			if(p->cursize > p->hw)
-				p->hw = p->cursize;
-			iunlock(&p->l);
-			return B2D(t);
-		}
-		if(size < t->size) {
-			q = t;
-			t = t->left;
-		}
-		else
-			t = t->right;
-	}
-	if(q != nil) {
-		pooldel(p, q);
-		q->magic = MAGIC_A;
-		frag = q->size - size;
-		if(frag < (size>>2)) {
-			p->cursize += q->size;
-			if(p->cursize > p->hw)
-				p->hw = p->cursize;
-			iunlock(&p->l);
-			return B2D(q);
-		}
-		/* Split */
-		ns = q->size - size;
-		q->size = size;
-		B2T(q)->hdr = q;
-		t = B2NB(q);
-		t->size = ns;
-		B2T(t)->hdr = t;
-		pooladd(p, t);
-		p->cursize += q->size;
-		if(p->cursize > p->hw)
-			p->hw = p->cursize;
-		iunlock(&p->l);
-		return B2D(q);
-	}
-	ns = p->chunk;
-	if(size > ns)
-		ns = size;
-	ldr = p->quanta+1;
-	alloc = ns+ldr+sizeof(t->magic);
-	p->arenasize += alloc;
-	if(p->arenasize > p->maxsize) {
-		p->arenasize -= alloc;
-		if(poolcompact(p)) {
-			iunlock(&p->l);
-			return poolalloc(p, size);
-		}
-		iunlock(&p->l);
-		print("%s arena too large: size %d cursize %lud arenasize %lud maxsize %lud\n",
-			 p->name, size, p->cursize, p->arenasize, p->maxsize);
-		return nil;
-	}
-	p->nbrk++;
-	t = xalloc(alloc);
-	if(t == nil) {
-		iunlock(&p->l);
-		return nil;
-	}
-	t->magic = MAGIC_E;		/* Make a leader */
-	t->size = ldr;
-	t->csize = ns+ldr;
-	t->clink = p->chain;
-	p->chain = t;
-	B2T(t)->hdr = t;
-	t = B2NB(t);
-	t->magic = MAGIC_A;		/* Make the block we are going to return */
-	t->size = size;
-	B2T(t)->hdr = t;
-	q = t;
-	ns -= size;			/* Free the rest */
-	if(ns > 0) {
-		q = B2NB(t);
-		q->size = ns;
-		B2T(q)->hdr = q;
-		pooladd(p, q);
-	}
-	B2NB(q)->magic = MAGIC_E;	/* Mark the end of the chunk */
-	p->cursize += t->size;
-	if(p->cursize > p->hw)
-		p->hw = p->cursize;
-	iunlock(&p->l);
-	return B2D(t);
-poolfree(Pool *p, void *v)
-	Bhdr *b, *c;
-	D2B(b, v);
-	ilock(&p->l);
-	p->nfree++;
-	p->cursize -= b->size;
-	c = B2NB(b);
-	if(c->magic == MAGIC_F) {	/* Join forward */
-		pooldel(p, c);
-		c->magic = 0;
-		b->size += c->size;
-		B2T(b)->hdr = b;
-	}
-	c = B2PT(b)->hdr;
-	if(c->magic == MAGIC_F) {	/* Join backward */
-		pooldel(p, c);
-		b->magic = 0;
-		c->size += b->size;
-		b = c;
-		B2T(b)->hdr = b;
-	}
-	pooladd(p, b);
-	iunlock(&p->l);
-poolread(char *va, int count, ulong offset)
-	Pool *p;
-	int n, i, signed_off;
-	n = 0;
-	signed_off = offset;
-	for(i = 0; i < table.n; i++) {
-		p = &table.pool[i];
-		n += snprint(va+n, count-n, "%11lud %11lud %11lud %11d %11d %11d %s\n",
-			p->cursize,
-			p->maxsize,
-			p->hw,
-			p->nalloc,
-			p->nfree,
-			p->nbrk,
-			p->name);
-		if(signed_off > 0) {
-			signed_off -= n;
-			if(signed_off < 0) {
-				memmove(va, va+n+signed_off, -signed_off);
-				n = -signed_off;
-			}
-			else
-				n = 0;
-		}
-	}
-	return n;
-Lock pcxlock;
-struct {
-	ulong	n;
-	ulong	pc;
-} pcx[1024];
-static void
-remember(ulong pc, void *v)
-	Bhdr *b;
-	int i;
-	if(v == nil)
-		return;
-	D2B(b, v);
-	if((b->size>>5) != 2)
-		return;
-	ilock(&pcxlock);
-	B2T(b)->pad = 0;
-	for(i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
-		if(pcx[i].pc == pc || pcx[i].pc == 0){
-			pcx[i].pc = pc;
-			pcx[i].n++;
-			B2T(b)->pad = i;
-			break;
-		}
-	iunlock(&pcxlock);
-static void
-forget(void *v)
-	Bhdr *b;
-	if(v == nil)
-		return;
-	D2B(b, v);
-	if((b->size>>5) != 2)
-		return;
-	ilock(&pcxlock);
-	pcx[B2T(b)->pad].n--;
-	iunlock(&pcxlock);
-malloc(ulong size)
-	void *v;
-	v = poolalloc(mainmem, size);
-remember(getcallerpc(&size), v);
-	if(v != nil)
-		memset(v, 0, size);
-	return v;
-smalloc(ulong size)
-	void *v;
-	for(;;) {
-		v = poolalloc(mainmem, size);
-remember(getcallerpc(&size), v);
-		if(v != nil)
-			break;
-		if(!waserror()){
-			tsleep(&up->sleep, return0, 0, 100);
-			poperror();
-		}
-	}
-	memset(v, 0, size);
-	return v;
-mallocz(ulong size, int clr)
-	void *v;
-	v = poolalloc(mainmem, size);
-remember(getcallerpc(&size), v);
-	if(clr && v != nil)
-		memset(v, 0, size);
-	return v;
-free(void *v)
-	Bhdr *b;
-	if(v != nil) {
-		D2B(b, v);
-		poolfree(mainmem, v);
-	}
-realloc(void *v, ulong size)
-	Bhdr *b;
-	void *nv;
-	int osize;
-	if(v == nil)
-		return malloc(size);
-	D2B(b, v);
-	osize = b->size - BHDRSIZE;
-	if(osize >= size)
-		return v;
-	nv = poolalloc(mainmem, size);
-remember(getcallerpc(&v), nv);
-	if(nv != nil) {
-		memmove(nv, v, osize);
-		free(v);
-	}
-	return nv;
-msize(void *v)
-	Bhdr *b;
-	D2B(b, v);
-	return b->size - BHDRSIZE;
-calloc(ulong n, ulong szelem)
-	return malloc(n*szelem);
-pooldump(Bhdr *b, int d, int c)
-	Bhdr *t;
-	if(b == nil)
-		return;
-	print("%.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %c %4d %d (f %.8lux p %.8lux)\n",
-		b, b->left, b->right, c, d, b->size, b->fwd, b->prev);
-	d++;
-	for(t = b->fwd; t != b; t = t->fwd)
-		print("\t%.8lux %.8lux %.8lux\n", t, t->prev, t->fwd);
-	pooldump(b->left, d, 'l');
-	pooldump(b->right, d, 'r');
-	int i;
-	for(i = 0; i < table.n; i++) {
-		print("Arena: %s root=%.8lux\n", table.pool[i].name, table.pool[i].root);
-		pooldump(table.pool[i].root, 0, 'R');
-	}
-	int i;
-	for(i = 0; i < table.n; i++)
-		print("Arena: %s cursize=%lud; maxsize=%lud\n",
-			table.pool[i].name,
-			table.pool[i].cursize,
-			table.pool[i].maxsize);
-pooldump(Pool *p)
-	Bhdr *b, *base, *limit, *ptr;
-	b = p->chain;
-	if(b == nil)
-		return;
-	base = b;
-	ptr = b;
-	limit = B2LIMIT(b);
-	while(base != nil) {
-		print("\tbase #%.8lux ptr #%.8lux", base, ptr);
-		if(ptr->magic == MAGIC_A)
-			print("\tA%.5d\n", ptr->size);
-		else if(ptr->magic == MAGIC_E)
-			print("\tE\tL#%.8lux\tS#%.8lux\n", ptr->clink, ptr->csize);
-		else
-			print("\tF%.5d\tL#%.8lux\tR#%.8lux\tF#%.8lux\tP#%.8lux\tT#%.8lux\n",
-				ptr->size, ptr->left, ptr->right, ptr->fwd, ptr->prev, ptr->parent);
-		ptr = B2NB(ptr);
-		if(ptr >= limit) {
-			print("link to #%.8lux\n", base->clink);
-			base = base->clink;
-			if(base == nil)
-				break;
-			ptr = base;
-			limit = B2LIMIT(base);
-		}
-	}
-	return;
-poolsetcompact(Pool *p, void (*move)(void*, void*))
-	p->move = move;
-poolsetparam(char *name, ulong maxsize, int quanta, int chunk)
-	Pool *p;
-	int i;
-	for(i=0; i<table.n; i++){
-		p = &table.pool[i];
-		if(strcmp(name, p->name) == 0){
-			if(maxsize)
-				p->maxsize = maxsize;
-			if(quanta)
-				p->quanta = quanta;
-			if(chunk)
-				p->chunk = chunk;
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-poolcompact(Pool *pool)
-	Bhdr *base, *limit, *ptr, *end, *next;
-	int compacted, recov, nb;
-	if(pool->move == nil || pool->lastfree == pool->nfree)
-		return 0;
-	pool->lastfree = pool->nfree;
-	base = pool->chain;
-	ptr = B2NB(base);	/* First Block in arena has clink */
-	limit = B2LIMIT(base);
-	compacted = 0;
-	pool->root = nil;
-	end = ptr;
-	recov = 0;
-	while(base != nil) {
-		next = B2NB(ptr);
-		if(ptr->magic == MAGIC_A) {
-			if(ptr != end) {
-				memmove(end, ptr, ptr->size);
-				pool->move(B2D(ptr), B2D(end));
-				recov = (uchar*)ptr - (uchar*)end;
-				compacted = 1;
-			}
-			end = B2NB(end);
-		}
-		if(next >= limit) {
-			nb = (uchar*)limit - (uchar*)end;
-			//print("recovered %d bytes\n", recov);
-			//print("%d bytes at end\n", nb);
-			USED(recov);
-			if(nb > 0){
-				if(nb < pool->quanta+1)
-					panic("poolcompact: leftover too small");
-				end->size = nb;
-				pooladd(pool, end);
-			}
-			base = base->clink;
-			if(base == nil)
-				break;
-			ptr = B2NB(base);
-			end = ptr;	/* could do better by copying between chains */
-			limit = B2LIMIT(base);
-			recov = 0;
-		} else
-			ptr = next;
-	}
-	return compacted;
-recur(Bhdr *t)
-	if(t == 0)
-		return 1;
-	if((uintptr)t < KZERO || (uintptr)t - KZERO > 0x10000000)
-		return 0;
-	return recur(t->right) && recur(t->left);