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ref: 2f28aaac65b4dde059f393222bfd2f939d83f9f5
parent: d7ade692c8c3c96bae6828f63afb1b19765b5589
author: cinap_lenrek <>
date: Wed Feb 10 14:08:13 EST 2021

nusb: don't create rw iso endpoints (by Michael Forney)

There may be two iso endpoints with the same ID if it is asynchronous
or adaptive (one for data, one for feedback), and rw iso endpoints are
unusable (error out with "iso i/o is half-duplex").

--- a/sys/src/cmd/nusb/lib/parse.c
+++ b/sys/src/cmd/nusb/lib/parse.c
@@ -111,8 +111,6 @@
 		return -1;
 	dep = (DEp *)b;
-	altc->attrib = dep->bmAttributes;	/* here? */
-	altc->interval = dep->bInterval;
 	type = dep->bmAttributes & 0x03;
 	addr = dep->bEndpointAddress;
@@ -145,13 +143,18 @@
 	ep->maxpkt = GET2(dep->wMaxPacketSize);
 	ep->ntds = 1 + ((ep->maxpkt >> 11) & 3);
 	ep->maxpkt &= 0x7FF;
-	altc->maxpkt = ep->maxpkt;
-	altc->ntds = ep->ntds;
 	ep->addr = addr;
 	ep->type = type;
 	ep->isotype = (dep->bmAttributes>>2) & 0x03;
+ 	ep->isousage = (dep->bmAttributes>>4) & 0x03;
 	ep->conf = c;
 	ep->iface = ip;
+	if(ep->type != Eiso || ep->isousage == Edata || ep->isousage == Eimplicit){
+		altc->attrib = dep->bmAttributes;
+		altc->interval = dep->bInterval;
+		altc->maxpkt = ep->maxpkt;
+		altc->ntds = ep->ntds;
+	}
 	for(i = 0; i < nelem(ip->ep); i++)
 		if(ip->ep[i] == nil)
--- a/sys/src/cmd/nusb/lib/usb.h
+++ b/sys/src/cmd/nusb/lib/usb.h
@@ -116,6 +116,11 @@
 	Eadapt = 2,
 	Esync = 3,
+	/* endpoint isousage */
+	Edata = 0,
+	Efeedback = 1,
+	Eimplicit = 2,
 	/* config attrib */
 	Cbuspowered = 1<<7,
 	Cselfpowered = 1<<6,
@@ -209,7 +214,9 @@
 	uchar	addr;		/* endpt address, 0-15 (|0x80 if Ein) */
 	uchar	dir;		/* direction, Ein/Eout */
 	uchar	type;		/* Econtrol, Eiso, Ebulk, Eintr */
-	uchar	isotype;		/* Eunknown, Easync, Eadapt, Esync */
+	uchar	isotype;	/* Eunknown, Easync, Eadapt, Esync */
+	uchar	isousage;	/* Edata, Efeedback, Eimplicit */
 	int	id;
 	int	maxpkt;		/* max. packet size */
 	int	ntds;		/* nb. of Tds per µframe */