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ref: 74f9483f1b08becb7bd690515ecd706752f06a3d
parent: c6ca07ad4e2124c2e072ad63b54da494ac799312
author: cinap_lenrek <>
date: Sat Jun 3 21:25:47 EDT 2023

auth/factotum: make sure we got a private key in ssh client protocol

when cycling thru the keys in rsaread
for the ssh client protocol,
we must only consider private keys.

when selecting a public key,
rsawrite() would later crash
when calling rsadecrypt().

--- a/sys/src/cmd/auth/factotum/rsa.c
+++ b/sys/src/cmd/auth/factotum/rsa.c
@@ -138,16 +138,19 @@
 		return phaseerror(fss, "read");
 	case CHavePub:
-		if(s->key){
-			closekey(s->key);
-			s->key = nil;
-		}
-		mkkeyinfo(&ki, fss, nil);
-		ki.skip = s->off;
-		ki.noconf = 1;
-		if(findkey(&s->key, &ki, nil) != RpcOk)
-			return failure(fss, nil);
-		s->off++;
+		do {
+			if(s->key){
+				closekey(s->key);
+				s->key = nil;
+			}
+			mkkeyinfo(&ki, fss, nil);
+			ki.skip = s->off;
+			ki.noconf = 1;
+			if(findkey(&s->key, &ki, nil) != RpcOk)
+				return failure(fss, nil);
+			s->off++;
+			/* need private key */
+		} while(s->key->privattr == nil);
 		priv = s->key->priv;
 		*n = snprint(va, *n, "%B %B", priv->pub.n, priv->pub.ek);
 		return RpcOk;