code: plan9front

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ref: a2794d94d0e39ed54dad39f1348fe12b4fc89f14
parent: 9e1d26893f8a92c32f3486883c46e8cdfff03e98
author: Ori Bernstein <>
date: Tue Mar 23 16:49:07 EDT 2021

kbmap/tr: add one missing key to Turkish keymap (thanks kemal)

while we're here, change the hex values to  unicode chars.

--- a/sys/lib/kbmap/tr
+++ b/sys/lib/kbmap/tr
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
 0	41	'"
 0	12	'*
 0	13	'-
-0 	23	0x0131
-0	26	0x011f
-0	27	0x00fc
-0	39	0x015f
+0 	23	'ı
+0	26	'ğ
+0	27	'ü
+0	39	'ş
 0	40 	'i
 0	43	',
-0	51	0x00f6
-0	52	0x00e7
+0	51	'ö
+0	52	'ç
 0	53	'.
+0	86	'<
 1	41	'é
 1	3	''
 1	4	'^
@@ -22,20 +23,21 @@
 1	12	'?
 1	13	'_
 1	23	'I
-1	26	0x011e
-1	27	0x00dc
-1	39	0x015e
-1	40	0x0130
+1	26	'Ğ
+1	27	'Ü
+1	39	'Ş
+1	40	'İ
 1	43	';
-1	51	0x00d6
-1	52	0x00c7
+1	51	'Ö
+1	52	'Ç
 1	53	':
+1	86	'>
 3	41	'<
 3	2	'>
 3	3	'£
 3	4	'#
 3	5	'$
-3	6	0x00bd
+3	6	'%
 3	8	'{
 3	9	'[
 3	10	']
@@ -43,8 +45,9 @@
 3	12	'\
 3	13	'|
 3	16	'@
-3	18	0x20ac
-3	20	0x20ba
-3	26	0x00a8
+3	18	'€
+3	20	'₺
+3	26	'¨
 3	27	'~
 3	43	'`
+3	86	'|