code: plan9front

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ref: cef91f23e787a9e01916b35cf35347b964f03a3b
parent: 635be848319c7254f176f8daaf912393ffe2cdcb
author: cinap_lenrek <>
date: Wed Dec 9 20:47:19 EST 2020

pc, pc64: work around bhyve all uncached MTRR's

--- a/sys/src/9/pc/memory.c
+++ b/sys/src/9/pc/memory.c
@@ -383,8 +383,16 @@
-	/* RAM needs to be writeback */
-	mtrrexclude(MemRAM, "wb");
+	/*
+	 * Make sure RAM is set to writeback,
+	 * but do a sanity check first checking
+	 * that the kernel text is writeback.
+	 * This is needed as some emulators (bhyve)
+	 * set everything to uncached.
+	 */
+	s = mtrrattr(PADDR(KTZERO), nil);
+	if(s != nil && strcmp(s, "wb") == 0)
+		mtrrexclude(MemRAM, "wb");
 	for(base = memmapnext(-1, MemRAM); base != -1; base = memmapnext(base, MemRAM)){
 		size = memmapsize(base, BY2PG) & ~(BY2PG-1);