code: purgatorio

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ref: a968f9c8d403cb77599899309f1373a1b746d4bc
parent: 60ecd07e6d3f5786c8723dc9172c35d580fdadc8
author: henesy <devnull@localhost>
date: Sun Sep 27 04:04:45 EDT 2020

prettify error output for auth/changelogin (thanks metacoma)

--- a/appl/cmd/auth/changelogin.b
+++ b/appl/cmd/auth/changelogin.b
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
 	if(mode == "rawon"){
 		fdctl = sys->open("/dev/consctl", sys->OWRITE);
 		if(fdctl == nil || sys->write(fdctl,array of byte mode,len mode) != len mode){
-			sys->fprint(stderr, "unable to change console mode");
+			sys->fprint(stderr, "unable to change console mode ⇒ %r\n");
 			return (0,nil);
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@
 	for(;;) {
 		r = sys->read(io, buf, len buf);
 		if(r <= 0){
-			sys->fprint(stderr, "error read from console mode");
+			sys->fprint(stderr, "error read from console mode ⇒ %r\n");
 			if(mode == "rawon")
 			return (0, nil);