code: 9ferno

ref: 1aa79968bbf19af6d6b9043b6fe841369550eff4
dir: /appl/lib/html.b/

View raw version
implement HTML;

include "sys.m";
include "html.m";
include "strinttab.m";

sys:	Sys;
T:	StringIntTab;

Stringtab: adt
	name:	string;
	val:		int;

chartab:= array[] of { T->StringInt
	("AElig", 'Æ'),
	("Aacute", 'Á'),
	("Acirc", 'Â'),
	("Agrave", 'À'),
	("Aring", 'Å'),
	("Atilde", 'Ã'),
	("Auml", 'Ä'),
	("Ccedil", 'Ç'),
	("ETH", 'Ð'),
	("Eacute", 'É'),
	("Ecirc", 'Ê'),
	("Egrave", 'È'),
	("Euml", 'Ë'),
	("Iacute", 'Í'),
	("Icirc", 'Î'),
	("Igrave", 'Ì'),
	("Iuml", 'Ï'),
	("Ntilde", 'Ñ'),
	("Oacute", 'Ó'),
	("Ocirc", 'Ô'),
	("Ograve", 'Ò'),
	("Oslash", 'Ø'),
	("Otilde", 'Õ'),
	("Ouml", 'Ö'),
	("THORN", 'Þ'),
	("Uacute", 'Ú'),
	("Ucirc", 'Û'),
	("Ugrave", 'Ù'),
	("Uuml", 'Ü'),
	("Yacute", 'Ý'),
	("aacute", 'á'),
	("acirc", 'â'),
	("acute", '´'),
	("aelig", 'æ'),
	("agrave", 'à'),
	("alpha", 'α'),
	("amp", '&'),
	("aring", 'å'),
	("atilde", 'ã'),
	("auml", 'ä'),
	("beta", 'β'),
	("brvbar", '¦'),
	("ccedil", 'ç'),
	("cdots", '⋯'),
	("cedil", '¸'),
	("cent", '¢'),
	("chi", 'χ'),
	("copy", '©'),
	("curren", '¤'),
	("ddots", '⋱'),
	("deg", '°'),
	("delta", 'δ'),
	("divide", '÷'),
	("eacute", 'é'),
	("ecirc", 'ê'),
	("egrave", 'è'),
	("emdash", '—'),
	("emsp", ' '),
	("endash", '–'),
	("ensp", ' '),
	("epsilon", 'ε'),
	("eta", 'η'),
	("eth", 'ð'),
	("euml", 'ë'),
	("frac12", '½'),
	("frac14", '¼'),
	("frac34", '¾'),
	("gamma", 'γ'),
	("gt", '>'),
	("iacute", 'í'),
	("icirc", 'î'),
	("iexcl", '¡'),
	("igrave", 'ì'),
	("iota", 'ι'),
	("iquest", '¿'),
	("iuml", 'ï'),
	("kappa", 'κ'),
	("lambda", 'λ'),
	("laquo", '«'),
	("ldots", '…'),
	("lt", '<'),
	("macr", '¯'),
	("micro", 'µ'),
	("middot", '·'),
	("mu", 'μ'),
	("nbsp", ' '),
	("not", '¬'),
	("ntilde", 'ñ'),
	("nu", 'ν'),
	("oacute", 'ó'),
	("ocirc", 'ô'),
	("ograve", 'ò'),
	("omega", 'ω'),
	("omicron", 'ο'),
	("ordf", 'ª'),
	("ordm", 'º'),
	("oslash", 'ø'),
	("otilde", 'õ'),
	("ouml", 'ö'),
	("para", '¶'),
	("phi", 'φ'),
	("pi", 'π'),
	("plusmn", '±'),
	("pound", '£'),
	("psi", 'ψ'),
	("quad", ' '),
	("quot", '"'),
	("raquo", '»'),
	("reg", '®'),
	("rho", 'ρ'),
	("sect", '§'),
	("shy", '­'),
	("sigma", 'σ'),
	("sp", ' '),
	("sup1", '¹'),
	("sup2", '²'),
	("sup3", '³'),
	("szlig", 'ß'),
	("tau", 'τ'),
	("theta", 'θ'),
	("thinsp", ' '),
	("thorn", 'þ'),
	("times", '×'),
	("trade", '™'),
	("uacute", 'ú'),
	("ucirc", 'û'),
	("ugrave", 'ù'),
	("uml", '¨'),
	("upsilon", 'υ'),
	("uuml", 'ü'),
	("varepsilon", '∈'),
	("varphi", 'ϕ'),
	("varpi", 'ϖ'),
	("varrho", 'ϱ'),
	("vdots", '⋮'),
	("vsigma", 'ς'),
	("vtheta", 'ϑ'), 
	("xi", 'ξ'),
	("yacute", 'ý'),
	("yen", '¥'),
	("yuml", 'ÿ'),
	("zeta", 'ζ'),

htmlstringtab := array[] of { T->StringInt
	("a", Ta),
	("address", Taddress),
	("applet", Tapplet),
	("area", Tarea),
	("att_footer", Tatt_footer),
	("b", Tb),
	("base", Tbase),
	("basefont", Tbasefont),
	("big", Tbig),
	("blink", Tblink),
	("blockquote", Tblockquote),
	("body", Tbody),
	("bq", Tbq),
	("br", Tbr),
	("caption", Tcaption),
	("center", Tcenter),
	("cite", Tcite),
	("code", Tcode),
	("col", Tcol),
	("colgroup", Tcolgroup),
	("dd", Tdd),
	("dfn", Tdfn),
	("dir", Tdir),
	("div", Tdiv),
	("dl", Tdl),
	("dt", Tdt),
	("em", Tem),
	("font", Tfont),
	("form", Tform),
	("frame", Tframe),
	("frameset", Tframeset),
	("h1", Th1),
	("h2", Th2),
	("h3", Th3),
	("h4", Th4),
	("h5", Th5),
	("h6", Th6),
	("head", Thead),
	("hr", Thr),
	("html", Thtml),
	("i", Ti),
	("img", Timg),
	("input", Tinput),
	("isindex", Tisindex),
	("item", Titem),
	("kbd", Tkbd),
	("li", Tli),
	("link", Tlink),
	("map", Tmap),
	("menu", Tmenu),
	("meta", Tmeta),
	("nobr", Tnobr),
	("noframes", Tnoframes),
	("ol", Tol),
	("option", Toption),
	("p", Tp),
	("param", Tparam),
	("pre", Tpre),
	("q", Tq),
	("samp", Tsamp),
	("script", Tscript),
	("select", Tselect),
	("small", Tsmall),
	("strike", Tstrike),
	("strong", Tstrong),
	("style", Tstyle),
	("sub", Tsub),
	("sup", Tsup),
	("t", Tt),
	("table", Ttable),
	("tbody", Ttbody),
	("td", Ttd),
	("textarea", Ttextarea),
	("textflow", Ttextflow),
	("tfoot", Ttfoot),
	("th", Tth),
	("thead", Tthead),
	("title", Ttitle),
	("tr", Ttr),
	("tt", Ttt),
	("u", Tu),
	("ul", Tul),
	("var", Tvar)

W, D, L, U, N: con byte (1<<iota);
NCTYPE: con 256;

ctype := array[NCTYPE] of {
	'0'=>D, '1'=>D, '2'=>D, '3'=>D, '4'=>D,
	'5'=>D, '6'=>D, '7'=>D, '8'=>D, '9'=>D,
	'A'=>U, 'B'=>U, 'C'=>U, 'D'=>U, 'E'=>U, 'F'=>U,
	'G'=>U, 'H'=>U, 'I'=>U, 'J'=>U, 'K'=>U, 'L'=>U,
	'M'=>U, 'N'=>U, 'O'=>U, 'P'=>U, 'Q'=>U, 'R'=>U,
	'S'=>U, 'T'=>U, 'U'=>U, 'V'=>U, 'W'=>U, 'X'=>U,
	'Y'=>U, 'Z'=>U,
	'a'=>L, 'b'=>L, 'c'=>L, 'd'=>L, 'e'=>L, 'f'=>L,
	'g'=>L, 'h'=>L, 'i'=>L, 'j'=>L, 'k'=>L, 'l'=>L,
	'm'=>L, 'n'=>L, 'o'=>L, 'p'=>L, 'q'=>L, 'r'=>L,
	's'=>L, 't'=>L, 'u'=>L, 'v'=>L, 'w'=>L, 'x'=>L,
	'y'=>L, 'z'=>L,
	'.'=>N, '-'=>N,
	' '=>W, '\n'=>W, '\t'=>W, '\r'=>W,
	* => byte 0

lex(b: array of byte, charset: int, keepwh: int): array of ref Lex
	if(sys == nil)
		sys = load Sys Sys->PATH;
	if(T == nil)
		T = load StringIntTab StringIntTab->PATH;
	if(T == nil) {
		sys->print("HTML->lex: couldn't %s\n", StringIntTab->PATH);
		return nil;

	a: array of ref Lex;
	ai := 0;
	i := 0;
	nb := len b;
			# ignore nulls
			while(i<nb && (int b[i] == 0))
			# skip white space
			if(!keepwh) {
				while(i<nb) {
					c := int b[i];
					if(!(int (ctype[c]&W)) && c != ' ')
			# skip comments
			if(i<nb-4 && int b[i]=='<' && int b[i+1]=='!'
					&& int b[i+2]=='-' && int b[i+3]=='-') {
				i += 4;
					if(int b[i]=='-' && int b[i+1]=='-' && int b[i+2]=='>'){
						i += 3;
						continue Whitespace;
				continue Whitespace;
		if(i == nb)
		if(ai == len a){
			na := array[len a + 500] of ref Lex;
			if(a != nil)
				na[0:] = a;
			a = na;
		if(int b[i] == '<'){
			lx : ref Lex;
			(lx, i) = gettag(b, i, charset);
			a[ai++] = lx;
		else {
			s: string;
			(s, i) = getdata(b, i, keepwh, charset);
			a[ai++] = ref Lex (Data, s, nil);
	return a[0:ai];

getdata(b: array of byte, i: int, keepnls, charset: int): (string, int)
	s:= "";
	j:= 0;
	c: int;
	nb := len b;

	while(i < nb){
		oldi := i;
		case charset{
		Latin1 =>
			c = int b[i++];
		UTF8 =>
			j: int;
			(c, j, nil) = sys->byte2char(b, i);
			i += j;
		case c {
		0 or 16r1a =>
			continue loop;
		'<' =>
			i = oldi;
			break loop;
		'&' =>
			(c, i) = ampersand(b, i);
		'\n' =>
				c = ' ';
		'\r' =>
			if(oldi > 0 && int b[oldi-1] == '\n')
				continue loop;
				c = '\n';
				c = ' ';
		s[j++] = c;
	return (s, i);

gettag(b: array of byte, i, charset: int): (ref Lex, int)
	rbra := 0;
	nb := len b;
	ans := ref Lex(Notfound, "", nil);
	al: list of Attr;
	if(++i == nb)
		return (ans, i);
	istart := i;
	c := int b[i];
	if(c == '/') {
		rbra = RBRA;
		if(++i == nb)
			return (ans, i);
		c = int b[i];
	if(c>=NCTYPE || !int (ctype[c]&(L|U))) {
		while(i < nb) {
			c = int b[i++];
			if(c == '>')
		ans.text = string b[istart:i];
		return (ans, i);
	namstart := i;
	while(c<NCTYPE && int (ctype[c]&(L|U|D|N))) {
		if(++i == nb) {
			ans.text = string b[istart:i];
			return (ans, i);
		c = int b[i];
	name := lowercase(b, namstart, i);
	(fnd, tag) := T->lookup(htmlstringtab, name);
		ans.tag = tag+rbra;
		ans.text = name;
	while(i < nb){
		# look for "ws name" or "ws name ws = ws val"  (ws=whitespace)
		# skip whitespace
		while(c<NCTYPE && int (ctype[c]&W)) {
			if(++i == nb)
				break attrloop;
			c = int b[i];
		if(c == '>') {
		if(c == '<')
			break;	# error: unclosed tag
		if(c>=NCTYPE || !int (ctype[c]&(L|U))) {
			# error, not the start of a name
			# skip to end of tag
			while(i < nb) {
				c = int b[i++];
				if(c == '>')
			break attrloop;
		# gather name
		namstart = i;
		while(c<NCTYPE && int (ctype[c]&(L|U|D|N))) {
			if(++i == nb)
				break attrloop;
			c = int b[i];
		name = lowercase(b, namstart, i);
		# skip whitespace
		while(c<NCTYPE && int (ctype[c]&W)) {
			if(++i == nb)
				break attrloop;
			c = int b[i];
		if(c != '=') {
			# no value for this attr
			al = (name, "") :: al;
			continue attrloop;
		# skip whitespace
		if(++i == nb)
			break attrloop;
		c = int b[i];
		while(c<NCTYPE && int (ctype[c]&W)) {
			if(++i == nb)
				break attrloop;
			c = int b[i];
		# gather value
		quote := 0;
		if(c == '\'' || c == '"') {
			quote = c;
		val := "";
		nv := 0;
		while(i < nb) {
			case charset{
			Latin1 =>
				c = int b[i++];
			UTF8 =>
				j: int;
				(c, j, nil) = sys->byte2char(b, i);
				i += j;
			if(c == '>') {
				if(quote) {
					# c might be part of string (though not good style)
					# but if line ends before close quote, assume
					# there was an unmatched quote
					for(k := i; k < nb; k++) {
						c = int b[k];
						if(c == quote) {
							val[nv++] = '>';
							continue valloop;
						if(c == '\n') {
							break valloop;
				break valloop;
			if(quote) {
				if(c == quote)
					break valloop;
				if(c == '\n')
					continue valloop;
				if(c == '\t' || c == '\r')
					c = ' ';
			else {
				if(c<NCTYPE && int (ctype[c]&W))
					break valloop;
			if(c == '&')
				(c, i) = ampersand(b, i);
			val[nv++] = c;
		al = (name, val) :: al;
		if(i < nb)
			c = int b[i];
	ans.attr = al;
	return (ans, i);

ampersand(b: array of byte, i: int): (int, int)
	starti := i;
	c := 0;
	nb := len b;
	if(i >= nb)
		return ('?', i);
	fnd := 0;
	ans := 0;
	if(int b[i] == '#'){
			d := int b[i];
			if(!(int (ctype[d]&D)))
			c = c*10 + d-'0';
		if(0<c && c<256) {
				c = ' ';   # non-breaking space
			ans = c;
			fnd = 1;
	else {
		s := "";
		k := 0;
		c = int b[i];
		if(int (ctype[c]&(L|U))) {
			while(i<nb) {
				c = int b[i];
				if(!(int (ctype[c]&(L|U|D|N))))
				s[k++] = c;
		(fnd, ans) = T->lookup(chartab, s);
		return ('&', starti);
	if(i<nb && (int b[i]==';' || int b[i]=='\n'))
	return (ans, i);

lowercase(b: array of byte, istart, iend: int): string
	l := "";
	j := 0;
	for(i:=istart; i<iend; i++) {
		c := int b[i];
		if(c < NCTYPE && int (ctype[c]&U))
			l[j] = c-'A'+'a';
			l[j] = c;
	return l;

uppercase(s: string): string
	l := "";

	for(i:=0; i<len s; i++) {
		c := s[i];
		if(c < NCTYPE && int (ctype[c]&L))
			l[i] = c+'A'-'a';
			l[i] = c;
	return l;

attrvalue(attr: list of Attr, name: string): (int, string)
	while(attr != nil){
		a := hd attr;
		if( == name)
			return (1, a.value); 
		attr = tl attr;
	return (0, "");

globalattr(html: array of ref Lex, tag: int, attr: string): (int, string)
	for(i:=0; i<len html; i++)
		if(html[i].tag == tag)
			return attrvalue(html[i].attr, attr);
	return (0, "");

isbreak(h: array of ref Lex, i: int): int
	for(; i<len h; i++){
		case h[i].tag{
		Th1 or Th2 or Th3 or Th4 or Th5 or Th6 or
		Tbr or Tp or Tbody or Taddress or Tblockquote or
		Tul or Tdl or Tdir or Tmenu or Tol or Tpre or Thr or Tform =>
			return 1;
		Data =>
			return 0;
	return 0;

# for debugging
lex2string(l: ref Lex): string
	ans := "";
	tag := l.tag;
	if(tag == HTML->Data)
		ans = "'" + l.text + "'";
	else {
		ans = "<";
		if(tag >= RBRA) {
			tag -= RBRA;
			ans = ans + "/";
		tname := T->revlookup(htmlstringtab, tag);
		if(tname != nil)
				ans = ans + uppercase(tname);
		for(al := l.attr; al != nil; al = tl al) {
			a := hd al;
			ans = ans + " " + + "='" + a.value + "'";
		ans = ans + ">";
	return ans;