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mash \- programmable shell
.B mash
.B -denx
.BI -c command
] [
.I file
.I arg ...
.I Mash
is an older alternative to the original Inferno shell
.IR tiny (1)).
.I Mash
is a programmable shell that also allows the definition of simple dependency
rules, resembling those of Unix
.IR make .
It executes commands read from standard input 
or a file or, with the
.B -c
flag, from
.IR mash 's
argument list. Its syntax and 
semantics are similar to that of Plan 9's
.IR rc .

.SS Invocation
.I mash
is started with no arguments it reads commands from standard 
input. Otherwise its first non-flag argument is the name of a file from 
which to read commands (but see
.B -c
below). Subsequent arguments 
become the initial value of
.BR $args .
Mash accepts the following 
command-line flags.
.PD 0
.TF "-c string"
.BI -c " string"
Commands are read from string.
.B -d
Dump parsed commands before execution.
.B -e
Fail if a top level command does. 
.B -n 
Parse but do not execute. 
.B -x 
Print each simple command before executing it.
If invoked without arguments
.I mash
first runs the commands found in
.BR /lib/mashinit .

.SS "Command Lines"
Each command is terminated with an ampersand or a semicolon (& or ;). 
When reading from
.B /dev/cons
a newline 
not escaped with a backslash (\\) is treated as a semicolon.
.I Mash
does not 
wait for a command followed by
.B &
to finish executing before starting the 
following command. 
A number-sign (#) and any following characters up to (but not including) the next newline are 
ignored, except in quotation marks. 

.SS "Simple Commands"
A simple command is a sequence of words interspersed with I/O 
redirections. If the first word is the name of a
.I mash
function or of one of 
.IR mash 's
built-in commands, it is executed by
.IR mash .
Otherwise, if the name 
starts with a slash
.RB ( / ),
it must be the path name of a Dis
file to be loaded 
and executed. Names containing no initial slash are searched for in the 
current directory and then in
.BR /dis .
.B .dis
extension need not be 
The keywords are
	case else fn for hd if in len rescue tl while 

.SS Words and Variables
A number of constructions may be used where
.IR mash 's
syntax requires a 
word to appear. In many cases a construction's value will be a list of 
strings rather than a single string. 
The simplest kind of word is the unquoted word: a sequence of one or 
more characters none of which is a blank, tab, newline, or any of the 
	# : ; ! ~ @ & | ^ $ = " ` ' { } ( ) < > 
An unquoted word that contains any of the characters
.BR * ,\  ?
.B [
is a pattern 
for matching against file names. The character
.B *
matches any sequence of 
.B ?
matches any single character, and
.B [
.I class
.B ]
matches any 
character in the class. The class may also contain pairs of characters 
separated by
.BR \- ,
standing for all characters lexically between the two. The 
.B /
must appear explicitly in a pattern. A pattern is replaced by a 
list of words, one for each path name matched, except that a pattern 
matching no names is not replaced by the empty list, but rather stands for 
itself. Pattern matching is done after all other operations. Thus,
	x=/tmp; echo $x^/*.c; 
.BR /tmp/*.c ,
rather than matching
.B /*.c
and then prefixing
.BR /tmp . 
A quoted word is a sequence of characters surrounded by single quotes 
.RB ( ' ).
A single quote is escaped with a backslash. 
Each of the following is a word.
.PD 0
.BI $ identifier 
The identifier after the
.B $
is the name of a variable whose value is 
substituted. Variable values are lists of strings. It is an error if the 
named variable has never been assigned a value.
.BI $ number 
See the description of rules for the 
.IR mash-make (1)
.B $"\c
.I identifier
The value is a single string containing the components of the named 
variable separated by spaces.
.BI `{ commands }
.I mash
executes the commands and reads the standard output, splitting 
it into a list of words, using the whitespace characters (space, tab,
newline and carriage return) as separators.
.IB commands }
.I mash
executes the commands and reads the standard output, splitting 
it into a list of words, using the whitespace characters (space, tab,
newline and carriage return) as separators.
.BI <{ commands }
.BI >{ commands }
The commands are executed asynchronously with their standard 
output or standard input connected to a pipe. The value of the word 
is the name of a file referring to the other end of the pipe. This 
allows the construction of non-linear pipelines. For example, the 
following runs two commands
.B old
.B new
and uses
.B cmp
to compare their outputs
	cmp <{old} <{new}; 
.BI ( expr )
.I mash
.I expr
as an expression. The value is a (possibly null) list of words.
Expressions are described in detail below.
.IB word ^ word
.B ^
operator concatenates its two operands. If either operand is a 
singleton, the concatenation is distributive. Otherwise the lists are 
concatenated pairwise.

.SS Free Carets
In most circumstances,
.I mash
will insert the
.B ^
operator automatically 
between words that are not separated by white space. Whenever one of
.B $ 
.BR ' or
.B `
(dollar, single quote or back quote)
follows a quoted or unquoted word or an unquoted word follows a 
quoted word with no intervening blanks or tabs, a
.B ^
is inserted between 
the two. If an unquoted word immediately follows a
.B $
and contains a 
character other than an alphanumeric, or underscore, a
.B ^
is inserted before 
the first such character. Thus 
.B limbo -$flags $stem.b
is equivalent to 
.B limbo -^$flags $stem^.b 

.SS I/O Redirections
The sequence
.BI > file
redirects the standard output file (file descriptor 1, 
.BR /dev/cons )
to the named
.IR file ;
.BI >> file
appends standard 
output to the file. The standard input file (file descriptor 0, also normally 
.BR /dev/cons )
may be redirected from a file by the sequence
.BR <file .
.B <>file
opens the file for read/write and associates both file 
descriptor 0 and 1 with it.

.SH Compound Commands
A pair of commands separated by a pipe operator
.RB ( | )
is a command. The 
standard output of the left command is sent through a pipe to the 
standard input of the right command. 
Each of the following is a command.
.PD 0
.B if (
.I expr
.B )
.I command1
.B if (
.I expr
.B )
.I command1
.B else
.I command2
.I expr
 is evaluated and if the result is not null, then 
.I command1
is executed. In the second form
.I command2
is executed if 
the result is null.
.B for (
.I name
.B in
.I list
.BI ) command
.I command
is executed once for each word in
.I list
with that 
word assigned to
.IR name .
.B while (
.I expr
.B )
.I command
.I expr
is evaluated repeatedly until its value is null. Each time it 
evaluates to non-null, the command is executed.
.B case
.I expr
.B {
.I pattern-list
.B =>
.I command ...
.B }
.B case
.I expr-list
.B {
.I pattern
.B =>
.I command ...
.B }
In the first form of the command the
.I expr
is matched against a series of lists of regular expressions (See
.IR regex (2)).
The command associated with the matching expression is executed.
In the second form the
.I command
associated with the first pattern to match one of the words in
.I expr-list
is executed. An
.I expr-list
will never match a
.IR pattern-list .
.BI { commands }
.BI @{ commands }
Braces serve to alter the grouping of commands implied by operator 
priorities. The body is a sequence of commands separated by
.B &
.BR ; . 
The second form is executed with a new scope. Either form can be 
followed by redirections.
.BI fn name { list }
.BI fn name
The first form defines a function with the given
.IR name .
whenever a command whose first word is
.I name
is encountered, the 
current value of the remainder of the command's word list will be 
assigned to the local variable
.BR args ,
in a new scope, and
.I mash
will  execute the list. The second form removes
.IR name 's
function definition.
.IB name = list
.IB name := list
The first form is an assignment to a variable. If the name is currently 
defined as a local variable its value will be updated. Otherwise a 
global variable with the given name will be defined or updated. The 
second form is an explicit definition or update of a local variable.
.IB list : list
.IB list : list { commands }
.IB word :~ word { commands }
These forms define dependencies and rules for the
.I make
builtin. The first form defines a simple dependency, the second a 
dependency with an explicit rule. The third form defines an implicit 
rule where the left-hand word is a file pattern, the right-hand word is 
the prerequisite. The right-hand word and the commands can 
contain references to the characters matched by the
.B *
in the pattern
.RB ( $1
evaluates to the characters matched by the first
.BR * , 
.B $2
the second and so on;
.B $0
is the entire match). 

.SS Expressions
Expressions evaluate to possibly null lists of strings. A word is an 
expression. An expression may take one of the following forms
.PD 0
.BI ( " expr " )
Parentheses are used for grouping.
.BI hd " expr"
.BI tl " expr"
.BI len " expr"
.BI ! " expr"
.I hd
is the first element of a list,
.I tl
the remainder.
.I len
is the length of 
a list. Both evaluate to the null list if their operand is a null list.
.B !
is the not operator and evaluates to true for a null list or to a null list 
.IB expr " ^ " expr
.IB expr " :: " expr
.IB expr " == " expr
.IB expr " != " expr
.IB expr " ~ " expr
.B ^
is concatenation (as defined above),
.B ::
is list concatenation,
.B ==
.B !=
are the equality operators evaluating to true or the null list, 
depending on the equality or inequality of the two operands.
.B ~
is the match operator, true if a singleton string matches one of a list of 
regular expressions, or one of a list of strings matches a regular 
expression. (If neither operand is a singleton it evaluates to the null 
.B ^
has the highest precedence, followed by
.B ::
followed by the 
other three. All associate to the left except
.BR :: .

.SS Built-in Commands

.I Mash
supports loadable modules of builtins. The
.I Mashbuiltin
module definition and description is in
.BR mash.m .
One such module,
.IR builtins ,
is loaded before
.I mash
begins parsing. This module defines the following commands
.PD 0
.B env
Print global and local variables. Global variables are displayed using a
.IB name = value
format, and local variables using a
.IB name := value
.B eval
Concatenate arguments and use as mash input.
.B exit
.I mash
to raise an
.B "exit"
.B load
.I file
Load a builtin module. The
.I file
must be a module with type
.BR Mashbuiltin .
The argument
.I file
is assumed to contain a path to the loadable module. If no such module
is found then the string
.B /dis/lib/mash/
is prepended to
.I file
and the load is retried.
.B prompt
.BI prompt text
.BI prompt "text contin"
When called with no arguments causes the current value of the
.I mash
prompt to be printed to standard output. The default value is
.BR mash% .
The second form sets a new prompt. The final form sets a new prompt
and additionally a continuation string. Initially the continuation
string is set to a single tab character.
.I Mash
uses the continuation string in place of the prompt string to indicate that
the preceding line has been continued by escaping with a final backslash
.RB ( \e )
.BI quote args...
Print arguments quoted as input for
.IR mash . 
.BI "run -" [ denx "] file [arg...]"
Interpret a file as input to
.IR mash .
.BI time "cmd [arg...]"
Time the execution of a command. The total execution time is reported
in seconds and on standard error when the command completes.
.BI whatis name
Print variable, function or builtin. The object given by
.I name
is described on standard output in a format that reflects its type.
.I make
loadable builtin provides `make` functionality.
.I tk
loadable builtin provides control over some of the visual elements of a
.I mash

.SS Adding Builtins
New builtins can be added to
.I mash
by creating a
.I Dis
module that can be loaded with a
.B Mashbuiltin
module interface (defined in mash.m).
The new module is loaded with the builtin
.B load
command which calls its
.B mashinit
function to initialise it with an argument containing the
.B load
command line. The function should use this call to register the set of builtins
that the module will provide using the
.B Env.defbuiltin
function. Thereafter, each time one of the registered builtins is invoked
the module's
.B mashcmd
function is called passing as an argument a list containing the invoked
builtin name and its arguments. See the examples in
.BR mash/builtins.b ,
.BR mash/make.b ", and"
.BR mash/tk.b .
.B /lib/mashinit
.B /dis/lib/mash
.B /appl/cmd/mash 
.IR mash-tk (1),
.IR mash-make (1),
.IR regex (2)
Tom Duff,
``Rc  \- The Plan 9 Shell'', in the
.I "Plan 9 Programmer's Manual", Second Edition,
Volume 2.