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dir: /man/10/acid/

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.TH ACID 10.1
acid \- debugger
.B acid
.BI -l " libfile
.B -wq
] [
.B -m
.I machine
] [
.I pid
.I textfile
.I Acid
is a programmable symbolic debugger.
It can inspect one or more processes that share an address space.
A program to be debugged may be specified by the process id of
a running or defunct process,
or by the name of the program's text file 
.RB ( v.out
by default).
At the prompt,
.I acid
will store function definitions or print the value of expressions.
Options are
.TP .9i
.B -w
Allow the textfile to be modified.
.B -q
Don't print variable renamings at startup.
.BI -l " library
Load from 
.I library
at startup; see below.
.BI -m " machine
Assume instructions are for the given CPU type
(one of
.BR 386 ,
.BR 86 ,
.BR 68020 ,
.BR 960 ,
.BR power ,
.BR arm ,
.BR mips ,
.BR mipsco ,
.BR sparc ,
.BR sunsparc )
instead of using the magic number to select
the CPU type.
At startup,
.I acid
obtains standard function definitions from the library file
.BR /lib/acid/port ,
architecture-dependent functions from
.BR /lib/acid/$objtype ,
user-specified functions from
.BR $home/lib/acid ,
and further functions from 
.B -l
Definitions in any file may override previously defined functions.
If the function
.IR acidinit ()
is defined, it will be invoked after all modules have been loaded.
.IR 2c (10.1)
for information about creating
.I acid
functions for examining data structures.
.SS Language
Symbols of the program being debugged become integer 
variables whose values are addresses.
Contents of addresses are obtained by indirection.
Local variables are qualified by
function name, for example
.BR main:argv .
When program symbols conflict with
.I acid
words, distinguishing 
.B $
signs are prefixed.
Such renamings are reported at startup; option
.B -q
suppresses them.
Variable types
.RI ( "integer, float, list, string" )
and formats are inferred from assignments.
Truth values false/true are attributed to zero/nonzero
integers or floats and to empty/nonempty lists or strings.
Lists are sequences of expressions surrounded by
.BR {\^} 
and separated by commas.
Expressions are much as in C,
but yield both a value and a format.
Casts to complex types are allowed.
Lists admit the following operators, with
subscripts counted from 0.
.BI head " list
.BI tail " list
.BI append " list", " element
.BI delete " list", " subscript
Format codes are the same as in
.IR db (10.1).
Formats may be attached to (unary) expressions with
.BR \e ,
.BR (32*7)\eD .
There are two indirection operators,
.B *
to address a core image,
.B @
to address a text file.
The type and format of the result are determined by the format of the operand,
whose type must be integer.
Statements are
.BI if " expr " then " statement " "\fR[ \fPelse\fI statement \fR]
.BI while " expr " do " statement
.BI loop " expr" , " expr " do " statement
.BI defn " name" ( args ") {" " statement \fP}
.BI local " name
.BI return " expr
.BR whatis " [ \fI name \fP]
Here is a partial list of functions; see the manual for a complete list.
.TF asm(address)
.B stk()
Print a stack trace for current process.
.B lstk()
Print a stack trace with values of local variables.
.B gpr()
Print general registers.
Registers can also be accessed by name, for example
.BR *R0 .
.B spr()
Print special registers such as program counter and stack pointer.
.B fpr()
Print floating-point registers.
.B regs()
Same as
.BR spr();gpr() .
.BI fmt( expr , format )
.I expr
with format given by the character value of expression
.IR format .
.BI src( address )
Print 10 lines of source around the program address.
.BI Bsrc( address )
Get the source line for the program address
into a window of a running
and select it.
(This works only on Plan 9, or a Unix-like system running `Plan 9 Ports'.)
.BI line( address )
Print source line nearest to the program address.
.B source()
List current source directories.
.BI addsrcdir( string )
Add a source directory to the list.
.BI filepc( where )
Convert a string of the form 
.IB sourcefile : linenumber
to a machine address.
.BI pcfile( address )
Convert a machine address to a source file name.
.BI pcline( address )
Convert a machine address to a source line number.
.BI bptab()
List breakpoints set in the current process.
.BI bpset( address )
Set a breakpoint in the current process at the given address.
.BI bpdel( address )
Delete a breakpoint from the current process.
.B cont()
Continue execution of current process and wait for it to stop.
.B step()
Execute a single machine instruction in the current process.
.B func()
Step repeatedly until after a function return.
.BI stopped( pid )
This replaceable function is called automatically when the given process
It normally prints the program counter and returns to the prompt.
.BI asm( address )
Disassemble 30 machine instructions beginning at the given address.
.BI mem( address , string )
Print a block of memory
interpreted according to a string of format codes.
.BI dump( address , n , string\fP)
.BR mem (),
repeated for 
.I n
consecutive blocks.
.BI print( expr , ... )
Print the values of the expressions.
.BI newproc( arguments )
Start a new process with arguments given as a string
and halt at the first instruction.
.B new()
.IR newproc (),
but take arguments (except
.BR argv[0] )
from string variable
.BR progargs .
.B win()
.IR new (),
but run the process in a separate window.
.BI start( pid )
Start a stopped process.
.BI kill( pid )
Kill the given process.
.BI setproc( pid )
Make the given process current.
.BI rc( string )
Escape to the shell,
.....IR rc (10.1),
to execute the command string.
Start to debug
.BR /bin/ls ;
set some breakpoints; run up to the first one:
% acid /bin/ls
/bin/ls: mips plan 9 executable
acid: new()
70094: system call  _main       ADD     $-0x14,R29
70094: breakpoint   main+0x4    MOVW    R31,0x0(R29)
acid: pid
acid: argv0 = **main:argv\es
acid: whatis argv0
integer variable format s
acid: *argv0
acid: bpset(ls)
acid: cont()
70094: breakpoint  ls   ADD $-0x16c8,R29
Display elements of a linked list of structures:
complex Str { 'D' 0 val; 'X' 4 next; };
complex Str s;
s = *headstr;
while s != 0 do{
	print(s.val, "\en");
	s =;
Note the use of the
.B .
operator instead of
.BR -> .
Display an array of bytes declared in C as
.BR "char array[]" .
This example gives
.B array
string format, then prints the string beginning at the address (in
.I acid
.BR *array .
.B /proc/*/text
.B /proc/*/mem
.B /proc/*/ctl
.B /proc/*/note
.B /lib/acid/$objtype
.B /lib/acid/port
.B $home/lib/acid
.B /utils/acid
.IR 2a (10.1),
.IR 2c (10.1),
.IR 2l (10.1),
.IR mk (10.1),
.IR db (10.1)
Phil Winterbottom,
``Acid Manual''.
At termination, kill commands are proposed
for processes that are still active.
There is no way to redirect the standard input and standard output
of a new process.
Source line selection near the beginning of a file may pick
an adjacent file.
With the extant stepping commands, one cannot step through instructions
outside the text segment and it is hard to debug across process forks.