code: 9ferno

ref: 3b9c359adee736531f204ac53500edf16d7c0fb2
dir: /man/2/csv/

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csv \- comma-separated values
include "bufio.m";
include "csv.m";
csv := load CSV CSV->PATH;

init:    fn(bufio: Bufio);
getline: fn(fd: ref Bufio->Iobuf): list of string;
quote:   fn(s: string): string;
provides a few functions to help read and write data in ``comma-separated value'' format.
.I csv
format has a sequence of fields on a line (terminated by a newline, carriage return,
or carriage return and newline).
Fields are separated by commas, and may be empty.
A field that starts with a double-quote is a quoted field, continuing
to the next lone double-quote character, including commas and line terminators,
but taking two double-quotes to represent one double-quote.
Any text following quoted text, up to the next comma or line terminator, is included
in the field value.
Note that in a field that does not start with a double-quote, double-quotes are not treated specially.
.B Init
must be called before any other operation of the module.
.I Bufio
is the instance of the
.IR bufio (2)
module that will provide the open files to be read.
.B Getline
reads a sequence of fields in
.I csv
format from
.B Iobuf
.IR fd ,
unquotes fields as required, and returns them in order in a list.
It returns nil on end-of-file (or read error).
An empty line is regarded as containing a single empty field.
.B Quote
returns string
.I s
quoted as required by the
.I csv
the result is quoted if
.I s
contains comma, newline, or a quote (and all embedded quotes are doubled).
.B /appl/lib/csv.b
.IR sh-csv (1)