code: 9ferno

ref: 3b9c359adee736531f204ac53500edf16d7c0fb2
dir: /man/2/dialog/

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dialog: prompt, getstring \-
basic dialog boxes
include "dialog.m";
dialog := load Dialog Dialog->PATH;

init:        fn();
prompt:      fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, p: ref Draw->Image,
               icon, title, msg: string,
               dflt: int, labs: list of string): int;
getstring:   fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, p: ref Draw->Image,
               s: string): string;
.B Dialog
module provides two simple dialog boxes
for use by
.IR wm (1)
.B Init
should be called once to initialise its internal state.
.B Prompt
uses the graphics context
.I ctxt
to pop up a dialog box to prompt the user to choose from a set of alternatives,
or to acknowledge a message.
The box is created near the northwest corner of
the parent window
.IR p ,
represented by the window's image.
(If the parent window is a Tk Toplevel
.IR t ,
for instance, the appropriate value is
.IB t .image \f1.)\fP
.I p
is nil, the box is centred on the screen.
The box
has the given
.I title
and an optional
.IR icon .
It displays the given
.I msg
and a number of buttons, labelled with the strings in
.IR labs .
The dialog box waits for the user to push a button, and then
returns the index of the button pushed (the first element of
.I labs
is index 0).
If the user types a newline, the
.I dflt
value is returned.  The button with the
.I dflt
index is specially outlined in the dialog box.
.B Getstring
pops up a dialog box near the parent window
.IR p .
The box contains the
.I msg
and an entry widget.
It waits for the user to type a string and a newline,
and then returns the typed string, without the newline.
.B /appl/lib/dialog.b
.IR draw-context (2),
.IR tk (2),
.IR wmlib (2)