code: 9ferno

ref: 3b9c359adee736531f204ac53500edf16d7c0fb2
dir: /man/2/prefab-compound/

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prefab: Compound \- windows for ITV toolkit
include "draw.m";
include "prefab.m";
prefab := load Prefab Prefab->PATH;

Compound: adt
    image:     ref Draw->Image;
    environ:   ref Environ;
    r:         Draw->Rect;
    title:     ref Element;
    contents:  ref Element;
    iconbox:   fn(env: ref Environ,
               p: Draw->Point, title: string, icon,
               mask: ref Draw->Image):
               ref Compound;
    textbox:   fn(env: ref Environ,
               r: Draw->Rect,  title, text: string):
               ref Compound;
    layoutbox: fn(env: ref Environ,
               r: Draw->Rect,  title: string, lay: list of Layout):
               ref Compound;
    box:       fn(env: ref Environ,
               p: Draw->Point, title, elist: ref Element):
               ref Compound;
    draw:      fn(comp: self ref Compound);
    redraw:      fn(comp: self ref Compound, r: Draw->Rect);
    scroll:    fn(comp: self ref Compound, elem: ref Element,
			d: Draw->Point);
    show:      fn(comp: self ref Compound, elem: ref Element): int;
    select:    fn(comp: self ref Compound,
               elem: ref Element, i: int, c: chan of int):
               (int, int, ref Element);
    tagselect: fn(comp: self ref Compound,
               elem: ref Element, i: int, c: chan of int):
               (int, int, ref Element);
    highlight: fn(comp: self ref Compound,
               elem: ref Element, on: int);
.B Compound
is the data type defining boxes drawn on the screen.
Each appears in a new window,
.BR Compound.image ,
and holds a (possibly
.BR nil )
.B Element
and contents
.BR Element .
It occupies the space on
the screen defined by
.BR Compound.r .
Allocating a
.B Compound
a window but does not draw it;
after the
.B Compound
is built,
.B Compound.draw
must be called to make it visible.
Compounds have a border around them, drawn in
.B Style.edgecolor
and contain from top to bottom the title (if any),
a horizontal line (if there is a title), and the contents.
.B "Compound.iconbox(\f2env\fP, \f2p\fP, \f2title\fP, \f2icon\fP, \f2mask\fP)
Creates a
.B Compound
whose contents are made by calling
.B Element.icon
.IR prefab-element (2))
using the
.I icon
.IR mask .
.BR Compound 's
upper left corner is at
.IR p ;
its size is determined by the size of the
.I icon
.IR mask .
.B "Compound.textbox(\f2env\fP, \f2r\fP, \f2title\fP, \f2text\fP)
Creates a
.B Compound
whose contents are made by calling
.B Element.text
using the supplied
.IR text .
As with
.BR Element.text ,
the resulting contents
.B Element
will be actually a list of text
.B Elements
if the text occupies multiple lines on the screen.
The rectangle behaves as in
.BR Element.text .
.B "Compound.layoutbox(\f2env\fP, \f2r\fP, \f2title\fP, \f2layoutlist\fP)
.BR Compound.textbox ,
but based on
.B Element.layout
rather than
.BR Element.text .
.B "\f2env\fP, \f2p\fP, \f2title\fP, \f2element\fP)
Creates a
.B Compound
whose contents are made from an existing
.BR Element .
To build complex structures, use the
.BR Element -building
size the
.B Element
and use
.BR .
The result is positioned with its upper left corner at
.IR p ,
and with size determined by that of the
.BR Element .
However a
.B Compound
is built,
its size computation makes allowance for the border and title.
Moreover, if the requested size and placement makes part
appear offscreen, the result may be moved to display it better.
.B Compound.draw()
This function
uses the description of the title and contents to paint the
on-screen image.
It takes no arguments;
all the information is included in the description.
.BI Compound.redraw( r )
.BR Compound.draw ,
but restricts the drawing to the specified
.B Rect
.IR r .
.ft 5 \f2element\fP, \f2index\fP, \f2c\fP ): (int, int, Element)
.ft 1
The channel
.I c
is a
.B chan
.B int
connected to an IR remote control interface, typically acquired through the program's
.B Context
.IR draw-context (2)).
.I element
is contained in the
.BR Compound ,
and may be at any level of its structure.
is most usefully a list,
but may be a singleton, in which case it behaves like a list of one element.
The arrow keys on the remote control scroll through the members of the list,
using the
.B Style.highlightcolor
associated with each member element to indicate selection.
.B Select
key on the remote control triggers
.B select
to return a tuple
.BI ( key ,
.IB index ,
.IB elem )\f1;
.I key
is the key code of the action (here
.BR Select ),
.I index
is the number of the element in the list (ignoring separators),
.I elem
is the list member highlighted when the key was hit.
Any other key returns the same tuple with
.I index
\-1 and the value of the key.
.I elem
returned is always the most recently highlighted,
even if the result was not a selection.
.B select
returns, it always restores the default appearance of the list.
.ft 5
Compound.tagselect( \f2element\fP, \f2index\fP, \f2c\fP): (int, int, Element)
.ft 1
.BR ,
but rather than selecting among all the elements
of a list, it selects among only those elements with
tags in the
structure contained within the specified
.IR element .
\f5Compound.highlight(\fP\f2element\fP\f5,\  \fP\f2on\fP\f5)\fP
Set the highlighting to be ``on'' or ``off''
for the
.I element
within the compound.
\f5Compound.scroll(\fP\f2element\fP\f5,\  \fP\f2d\fP\f5)\fP
.BR Element.scroll :
scroll the
.I element
within the compound.
The updated image is redrawn after the scrolling.
.ft 5
\\fP\f2element\fP\f5,\  \fP\f2d\fP\f5)\fP
.ft 1
.BR :
make sure the
.I element
is visible
within the rectangle of the top-level
.B Element
of the
.BR Compound ,
that is, in effect call
.ft 5, \f2element\fP);
.ft 1
.B /libinterp/prefab.c
.B /libprefab/*.c
.IR prefab-element (2),
.IR prefab-environ (2),
.IR prefab-style (2)