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.TH RFC822 2
rfc822 \- RFC822 mail format helpers
include "bufio.m";
include "rfc822.m";
rfc822 := load RFC822 RFC822->PATH;
Content, Rfclex: import rfc822;

Word, QString: con ...;
Maxrequest: con 16*1024;   # more than enough for anything sensible

init:         fn(b: Bufio);

Rfclex: adt {
   tok:     int;
   wordval: string;

   mk:      fn(a: array of byte): ref Rfclex;
   getc:    fn(p: self ref Rfclex): int;
   ungetc:  fn(p: self ref Rfclex);
   lex:     fn(p: self ref Rfclex): int;
   unlex:   fn(p: self ref Rfclex);
   skipws:  fn(p: self ref Rfclex): int;

   line:    fn(p: self ref Rfclex): string;

readheaders:  fn(fd: ref Bufio->Iobuf, limit: int):
                  array of (string, array of byte);
parseparams:  fn(ps: ref Rfclex): list of (string, string);
parsecontent: fn(ps: ref Rfclex, multipart: int,
                  head: list of ref Content): list of ref Content;
mimefields:   fn(ps: ref Rfclex):
                  list of (string, list of (string, string));

quotable:     fn(s: string): int;
quote:        fn(s: string): string;

sec2date:     fn(secs: int): string;
date2sec:     fn(s: string): int;
now:          fn(): int;
time:         fn(): string;

Content: adt{
   generic:   string;
   specific:  string;
   params:    list of (string, string);

   mk:        fn(specific: string, generic: string,
                 params: list of (string, string)): ref Content;
   check:     fn(c: self ref Content, oks: list of ref Content): int;
   text:      fn(c: self ref Content): string;

suffixclass:  fn(name: string): (ref Content, ref Content);
dataclass:    fn(a: array of byte): (ref Content, ref Content);
.B RFC822
provides types and functions to help read and parse RFC822 e-mail headers
(following the more streamlined rules of RFC2822, which has replaced RFC822),
including some MIME extensions.
Currently the focus is on operations that support HTTP and other W3C protocols,
rather than mail reading.
.B Init
must be called before any other operation in the module.
It must be given an instance of the
.B Bufio
module (see
.IR bufio (2)).
.B Readheaders
reads a set of RFC822 header lines from
.IR fd ,
ended by an empty line.
It returns an array of tuples
.BI ( fieldname,\ value ),
one per header line.
The string
.I fieldname
is the header line's field name, in lower case.
.I value
gives the rest of the line, after removing any initial white space and appending any continuation lines, uninterpreted,
as an array of bytes (not a string).
.I Limit
is the maximum allowed size of the header in bytes;
usually that is
.BR Maxrequest .
.B Readheaders
returns the tuple
.B (nil,\ nil)
on end of file or if the header size limit is exceeded.
.B Rfclex
takes a header line's
.I value
and produces a sequence of tokens.
It provides the following operations:
.BI a )
Return a reference to a new
.B Rfclex
value that will produce tokens from the array of byte
.IR a ,
which is normally the
.I value
of one of the header lines returned by
.BR readheaders .
.IB rfl .getc()
Return the next character from the input stream, in the Latin-1 (ISO 8859-1) character set.
Return a negative value
.RB ( Bufio->EOF )
on end-of-file.
.IB rfl .ungetc()
Put back the last character read, which will be returned again by the next call to
.IR rfl .getc .
.IB rfl .lex()
Return the next token from the input stream, ignoring any leading white space.
Most tokens are single characters representing themselves.
The token value is also assigned to
.IB rfl .tok .
There are two special token values:
.BR Word ,
representing an unquoted word in the RFC2822 grammar; and
.BR QString ,
representing a quoted string.
In both cases
.IB rfl .wordval
will contain the text of the word or string (without quotes).
.IB rfl .unlex()
Put back the last token read; the next call to
.IB rfl .lex
will return it again.
.IB rfl .skipws()
Skip over any white space at the current position;
return the initial character of the next token (which is not consumed).
.IB rfl .line()
Return a string giving the remainder of the input line.
Several functions take an
.B Rfclex
referring to a header line's value, parse it, and return a higher-level representation of its value.
.B Parseparams
parses a sequence of
.I parameter
settings of the form (\c
.BI ; attribute = value\c
and returns a corresponding list of tuples
.BI ( attribute,\ value ) .
It returns nil if no parameters are found.
.B Parsecontent
parses the values of fields such as
.B Content-Type
.BR Accept .
The syntax is (loosely) a sequence of comma-separated elements of the form
.IR type ,
.IB type /* ,
.IB type / subtype
followed by an optional sequence of parameters of the form (\c
. BI ; attribute = value
.IB type  / subtype
form is allowed only if
.I multipart
is true (non-zero).
It returns a corresponding list of
.B Content
values followed by the initial list
.IR head .
.B Mimefields
parses a sequence of comma-separated elements of the form
.IR word (\c
.BI ; attr = val
as used for instance in the rule
.IR transfer-coding .
It returns a corresponding list of tuples
.BI ( word,\ l )
.I l
is an optional list of tuples
.BI ( attr,\ val ) .
When producing an RFC822 header line, words must be quoted when they contain certain
special characters.
.B Quotable
returns true iff the string
.I s
contains any of those characters.
.B Quote
returns the value of
.I s
with quotes added as required.
RFC822 headers have a particular syntax for dates, different from that of
.IR daytime (2).
The function
.B sec2date
returns a string in RFC822 date format representing the time
.I secs
(in seconds from the Epoch).
.B Date2sec
takes a string in RFC822 date format and returns the time in seconds from the Epoch.
.B Now
returns the current time in seconds from the epoch
(it is equivalent to
.B Daytime->now()
.IR daytime (2)).
.B Time
returns the current time in RFC822's date format.
The Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (see RFC2045-7) include syntax
for describing different types of media, content, and content encodings.
.B Content
values represent those descriptions.
Its fields and operations are as follows:
.B generic
General class of content (eg,
.BR application ,
.BR image ,
.BR text ,
.B specific
Optional particular type within that class
.B octet-stream
.BR application ,
.B plain
.BR text )
.B params
Optional list of
.BI ( attr,\ value )
pairs giving parameters to the content type or encoding.
The particular attribute
.B q
has a floating-point
.I value
that specifies the relative quality (utility) of a particular type or encoding to a client.
.BI mk( generic,\ specific,\ params )
Return a reference to a new
.B Content
value, initialised with the given parameters.
.IB c .check( ok )
Return true if
.I c
is acceptable content/media/encoding according to the list of allowable forms in
.IR ok .
.I C
is always acceptable if
.I ok
is nil (ie, there are no restrictions).
Otherwise, at least one of the
.B Content
values in
.I ok
must match
.IR c .
That is, an
.I ok
value must have the same generic and specific types as
.IR c ,
or specify
.RB ` * '
in one or both positions (to match any value in
.IR c ).
.I params
are ignored.
.IB c .text()
Return the RFC822 syntax for
.IR c :
.IB generic / specific ; a\f5=\fIv\fR\&...
where the component words are quoted if necessary.
Given the
.I name
of a file,
.B suffixclass
returns a tuple
.BI ( type,\ enc )
.I type
gives the MIME
.B Content-Type
.I name
(or nil, if its type is not known), and
.I enc
gives the MIME
.B Content-Encoding
.I name
(or nil, if it is not encoded).
.TF /lib/mimetype
map between file suffix and MIME content types
.B /appl/lib/rfc822.b