code: 9ferno

ref: 3b9c359adee736531f204ac53500edf16d7c0fb2
dir: /man/2/secstore/

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secstore \- fetch data from Plan 9's secure storage service
include "dial.m";
include "secstore.m";
secstore := load Secstore Secstore->PATH;

Maxfilesize: con 128*1024;	# default

init:       fn();
privacy:    fn(): int;
cansecstore:    fn(addr: string, user: string): int;
mkseckey:   fn(pass: string): array of byte;
dial:       fn(addr: string): ref Dial->Connection;
auth:       fn(conn: ref Dial->Connection, user: string, seckey: array of byte):
                (string, string);
connect:    fn(addr: string, user: string, seckey: array of byte):
                (ref Dial->Connection, string, string);
sendpin:    fn(conn: ref Dial->Connection, pin: string): int;
files:       fn(conn: ref Dial->Connection):
                list of (string, int, string, string, array of byte);
getfile:    fn(conn: ref Dial->Connection, name: string,
                maxsize: int): array of byte;
putfile:    fn(conn: ref Dial->Connection, name: string, data: array of byte): int;
remove:     fn(conn: ref Dial->Connection, file: string): int;
bye:        fn(conn: ref Dial->Connection);

mkfilekey:   fn(pass: string): array of byte;
decrypt:    fn(data: array of byte, filekey: array of byte): array of byte;
encrypt:    fn(data: array of byte, filekey: array of byte): array of byte;
erasekey:   fn(key: array of byte);

lines:      fn(file: array of byte): list of array of byte;
.B Secstore
establishes a secure authenticated connection with a Plan 9
.I secstore
service (or equivalent, such as Plan 9 from User Space),
that can then be used to fetch and decrypt data files, such as the
.B factotum
file containing the initial keys for an instance of
.IR factotum (4).
The module's functions hold the file descriptors for the connection in a
.BR Dial->Connection
as returned by
.IR dial (2).
.I addr
parameter that gives the network address of the
.I secstore
service is also as defined in
.IR dial (2).
A nil value defaults to
.BR "net!$auth!secstore" ,
for translation in the usual way by
.IR cs (8).
.B Init
must be called before invoking any other operation of the module.
.B Privacy
ensures the memory of the calling process cannot be read, for instance by
.IR prog (3).
It returns zero on success and a negative value on failure.
.B Cansecstore
returns true if a connection can be made to a
.I secstore
at network address
.IR addr ,
and the given
.I user
has a
.I secstore
it returns false otherwise.
Users authenticate themselves to the service using a secret key and a special protocol that does not
reveal the key itself to the remote service.
The textual secret (eg, password or pass phrase) is not used directly by the following functions,
but only after transformation by
.BR mkseckey ,
which hashes it into an array of bytes.
That is the
.I key
parameter to the functions.
.B Dial
dials the
.I secstore
at network address
.I addr
(as defined by
.IR dial (2))
and returns a reference to the resulting
.BR Dial->Connection .
It returns nil on an error and sets the error string.
.B Auth
authenticates a fresh connection as belonging to a given
.I user
of the service.
The parameter
.I conn
refers to the
.B Dial->Connection
value representing the connection.
.I User
names a user registered with the service.
The parameter
.I seckey
is the result of applying
.B mkseckey
to the user's secret.
.I Auth
returns a tuple
.BI ( srvname,\ diag ).
.I Srvname
is the service name configured in the remote host (often simply
.BR secstore ).
On an error,
.I srvname
is nil, and
.I diag
is a diagnostic.
If the remote service
has been configured to demand extra authentication data, then
.I diag
contains a demand for it.
Currently the only such value is
.RB ` need pin ';
.B sendpin
to provide it to the connection.
.B sendpin
succeeds, it returns zero, and
.I conn
can be used normally; on error,
.B sendpin
returns -1 and the connection cannot be used.
.B Connect
combines the actions of
.B dial
.BR auth :
dials the
.I secstore
.IR addr ,
and mutually authenticates the server and the given
.I user
using the user's secret
.I key
for that service.
It returns a tuple
.BI ( conn,\ srvname,\ diag ),
where each component is as described for
.B dial
.B auth
On an error,
.I conn
is nil, and
.I diag
contains a diagnostic.
.B Getfile
retrieves the file
.I name
from the secure store, and returns its contents as an array of bytes.
.I Maxsize
gives the largest acceptable file size; if the value is zero or negative,
a large value is used by default.
The files stored on the service are separately encrypted under the user's secret key.
.B Mkfilekey
takes a textual secret
.I key
and returns a hash of it as an array of bytes,
suitable for use as the
.I filekey
parameter in subsequent calls to
.BR decrypt .
.I filekey
is not the same value as the
.I seckey
used for initial authentication, although the secret text is the same.)
.B Putfile
.I data
under file
.I name
to the secure store, overwriting a possibly existing file by that name.
.I Data
should already be encrypted.
The caller can arrange this by calling
.BR encrypt .
.B Putfile
returns 0 on success and a negative value on error.
.B Remove
deletes the given
.I file
from the server.
It returns 0 on success and a negative value on error.
.B Decrypt
decrypts the
.I data
previously fetched from a file on the secure store.
It uses the
.I filekey
produced by
.B mkfilekey
to decrypt the data in place (ie, modifying the contents of
.IR data )
and returns a slice of
.I data
that excludes any headers and trailers in the encoding.
It returns nil if the file could not be decrypted (usually because the
.I key
value is not actually the encryption key).
.B Encrypt
does the opposite of
.BR decrypt .
Given plain
.I data
.I filekey
produced by
.BR mkfilekey ,
it returns an encrypted version of data, including headers and trailers.
This data is suitable for writing to the secure store with
.BR putfile .
.B Erasekey
clears the bytes of
.I key
to zero; it should be called on every value produced by
.B mkfilekey
.BR mkseckey ,
after use,
but can also be used on the data arrays returned by
.B getfile
.BR decrypt .
.B Lines
returns a list of slices of
.IR file ,
representing each line of
.I file
in turn (including newline).
.IR Factotum (4)
for instance requires keys to be written to its control file one at a time.
.B Bye
closes the connection to the
.IR secstore .
.B /appl/lib/secstore.b
As well as returning the error values described above, functions set the system error string.
.IR crypt (1),
.IR secstore (1),
.IR factotum (2),
.IR factotum (4)