code: 9ferno

ref: 3b9c359adee736531f204ac53500edf16d7c0fb2
dir: /man/6/auth/

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auth \- authentication using station-to-station protocol
The following protocol,
based on the Station-to-Station
protocol, is used for mutual authentication of two parties,
each possessing a certificate from the same certifying authority (CA).
In the description below:
.I alpha
is a Diffie-Hellman base used system wide
.I p
is a Diffie-Hellman modulus used system wide
.I Rx
is a random number of the same order as
.IR p .
.BI PK x
the public key of
.I x
.BI SK x
the private key of
.I x
the public key
.I x
signed by the certifying authority
.BI sig n ( x )
.I x
signed with
.IR n 's
private key
In the following, the parties are labelled 0 and 1.
Each sends its public key and certificate to the other together with
a computation
.IR "alpha**r0 mod p"
.RI ( "alpha**r1 mod p" )
based on the Diffie-Hellman parameters contained in the certificate:
0 → 1  alpha**r0 mod p, CERTu0, PKu0
1 → 0  alpha**r1 mod p, CERTu1, PKu1
Each can now use the CA's public key and the certificate received to check
that each has the other's public key.
Finally, each user signs values known to both that each can then verify:
0 → 1  sig0(alpha**r0 mod p, alpha**r1 mod p)
1 → 0  sig1(alpha**r0 mod p, alpha**r1 mod p)
At this point 0 and 1 can calculate the shared secret
.BR "alpha**(r0*r1)" ,
and can use it to encrypt later communications.
.IR keyring-auth (2),
.IR keytext (6),
.IR login (6)