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dis \- Dis object file
.ds Os "\v'0.2m'\s-3\|opt\s+3\^\v'-0.2m'
A Dis object file contains the executable form of a single module,
and conventionally uses the file suffix
.BR .dis .
The following names are used in the description of the file encoding.
.TP 10n
.I byte
An unsigned 8-bit byte.
.I word
A 32-bit integer value represented in exactly 4 bytes.
.I long
A 64-bit integer value represented in exactly 8 bytes.
.I operand
An integer stored in a compact variable-length
encoding selected by the two most significant bits as follows:
0x	signed 7 bits, 1 byte
10	signed 14 bits, 2 bytes
11	signed 30 bits, 4 bytes
.I string
A variable length sequence of bytes terminated by a zero byte.
Names thus represented are in
.IR utf (6)
All integers are encoded in two's complement format, most significant byte first.
Every object file has a header followed by five sections containing code, data, and several sorts of descriptors:
.I "header code-section type-section data-section module-name link-section"
Each section is described in turn below.
.SS Header
The header contains a magic number,
a digital signature, a flag word,
sizes of the other sections, and a description of the entry point.
It has the following format:
.ft I
	magic signature\*(Os runflag stack-extent
		code-size data-size type-size link-size entry-pc entry-type
magic, runflag:
stack-extent, code-size, data-size, type-size, link-size:
entry-pc, entry-type:
The magic number is defined as 819248
for modules that have not been signed cryptographically, and 923426
.BR  "SMAGIC" ),
for modules that contain a signature.
The symbolic names
are defined by the C include file
.B  "/include/isa.h"
and by the Limbo module
.IR dis (2).
.I signature
is present only if the magic number is
It has the form:
.ft I
	length signature-data
	byte ...
A digital signature is defined by a length, followed by an array of bytes of that
length that contain the signature in some unspecified format.
Data within the signature should identify the signing authority, algorithm, and data to be signed.
.I Runflag
is a bit mask that
selects various execution options for a Dis module. The flags currently defined are:
The module must be compiled into native instructions for execution (using a just-in-time compiler);
if the implementation cannot do that,
.B load
instruction should given an error.
The module should not be compiled into native instructions, when that is the default for the runtime environment, but
should be interpreted.
This flag may be set to allow debugging or to save memory.
.BR  SHAREMP " (1<<2)"
Each instance of the module should use the same module data for all instances of the module. There is no implicit synchronisation between threads using the shared data.
.BR  HASLDT " (1<<4)"
The dis file contains a separate import section. On older versions of the system,
this section was within the data section.
.BR  HASEXCEPT " (1<<5)"
The dis file contains an exception handler section.
.IR Stack-extent ,
if non-zero, gives the number of bytes by which the thread stack of this module should be extended in the event that procedure calls exhaust the allocated stack.
While stack extension is transparent to programs, increasing this value may improve the efficiency of execution at the expense of using more memory.
.IR Code-size ,
.I type-size
.I link-size
give the number of entries (instructions, type descriptors, linkage directives)
in the corresponding sections.
.I Data-size
is the size in bytes of the module's global data area
(not the number of items in
.IR data-section ).
.I Entry-pc
is an integer index into the instruction stream that is the default entry point for this module.
It should point to the first instruction of a function.
Instructions are numbered from a program counter value of zero.
.I Entry-type
is the index of the type descriptor in the type section that corresponds to the function entry point set by
.IR entry-pc .
.SS Code Section
The code section describes a sequence of instructions for the virtual machine.
There are
.I code-size
An instruction is encoded as follows:
.ft I
	opcode address-mode middle-data\*(Os source-data\*(Os dest-data\*(Os
opcode, address-mode:
source-data, dest-data:
	operand operand\*(Os
.ft R
The one byte
.I opcode
specifies the instruction to execute; opcodes are
defined by the virtual machine specification.
.I address-mode
byte specifies the addressing mode of each of the three operands: middle, source and destination. The source and destination operands are encoded by three bits and the middle operand by two bits. The bits are packed as follows:
bit  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
    m1 m0 s2 s1 s0 d2 d1 d0
The following definitions are used in the description of addressing modes:
30 bit integer operand
16 bit unsigned small offset from register
16 bit signed immediate value
30 bit signed large offset from register
The middle operand is encoded as follows:
.TF "00    SO(MP)"
.BI "00    " "none"
no middle operand	
.B "01    $SI"
small immediate
.B "10    SO(FP)"
small offset indirect from FP
.B "11    SO(MP)"
small offset indirect from MP
.I middle-data
field is present only if the middle operand specifier of the
.I address-mode
is not `none'.
If the field is present it is encoded as an 
.IR operand .
The source and destination operands are encoded as follows:
.TF "000  SO(SO(MP))"
.B "000   LO(MP)"
offset indirect from MP
.B "001   LO(FP)"
offset indirect from FP
.B "010   $OP"
30 bit immediate
.BI "011   " "\fInone\fP"
no operand
.B "100   SO(SO(MP))"
double indirect from MP
.B "101   SO(SO(FP))"
double indirect from FP
.B 110
.B 111
.I source-data
.I dest-data
fields are present only when the corresponding
.I address-mode
field is not `none'.
For offset indirect and immediate modes the field contains a single 
.I operand
For double indirect modes the values are encoded as two 
.IR operands :
the first is the register indirect offset, and the second is the final indirect offset.
The offsets for double indirect addressing cannot be larger than 16 bits.
.SS Type Section
The type section contains
.I type-size
type descriptors describing the layout of pointers within data types. The format of each descriptor is:
.ft I
	desc-number memsize mapsize map
desc-number, memsize, mapsize:
	byte ...
.ft R
.I  desc-number
is a small integer index used to identify the descriptor to instructions such as 
.BR  "new" .
.I Memsize
is the size in bytes of the memory described by this type.
.I  mapsize
field gives the size in bytes of the following
.I "map"
.I Map
is an array of bytes representing
a bit map where each bit corresponds to a word in memory.
The most significant bit corresponds to the lowest address.
For each bit in the map,
the word at the corresponding offset in the type is a pointer iff the bit is set to 1.
.SS Data Section
The data section encodes the contents of the
data segment for the module, addressed by
at run-time.
The section contains a sequence of items of the following form:
.ft I
	code count\*(Os offset data-value ...
count, offset:
Each item contains an
.I offset
into the section, followed by one or more data values in
a machine-independent encoding.
As each value is placed in the data segment, the offset is incremented by the size of the datum.
.I code
byte has two 4-bit fields.
The bottom 4 bits of
.I code
gives the number of
.I data-values
if there are between 1 and 15;
if there are more than 15,
the low-order field is zero, and a following
.I operand
gives the count.
The top 4 bits of
.I code
encode the type of each
.I data-value
in the item, which determines its encoding.
The defined values are:
.TF 0000
.B 0001
8 bit bytes
.B 0010
32 bit integers, one
.I word
.B 0011
string value encoded by
.IR utf (6)
.I count
.B 0100
real values in IEEE754 canonical representation, 8 bytes each
.B 0101
Array, represented by two
.I words
giving type and length
.B 0110
Set base for data items: one
.I word
giving an array index
.B 0111
Restore base for data items:
no operands
.B 1000
64 bit big, 8 bytes each
The loader maintains a current base address and a stack of addresses.
Each item's value is stored at the address formed by adding the current offset
to the current base address.
That address initially is the base of the module's data segment.
The `set base' operation immediately follows
an `array'
.IR data-item .
It stacks the current base address and sets the current base address to the
address of the array element selected by its operand.
The `restore base' operation sets the current base address to the
address on the top of the stack, and pops the stack.
.SS Module name
The module name immediately follows the data section.
It contains the name of the module implemented by the object file,
as a sequence of bytes in
UTF encoding, terminated by a zero byte.
.SS Link Section
The link section contains an array of
.I link-size
external linkage items,
listing the functions exported by this module.
Each variable-length item contains the following:
.ft I
	pc desc sig fn-name
pc, desc:
.ft R
.I Fn-name
is the name of an exported function.
Adt member functions appear with their
full names: the member name qualified by the adt name, in the form
.IB adt-name . member-name,
for instance
.BR Iobuf.gets .
.I Pc
is the instruction number of its entry point.
.I Desc
is an index value that selects a type descriptor in the type section,
which gives the type of the function's stack frame.
.I Sig
is an integer hash of the type signature of the function, used in type checking.
.SS Import Section
The optional import section lists all those functions imported from other
modules. This allows type checking at load time. The size of the section in
bytes is given at the start in operand form. For each module imported there
is a list of functions imported from that module. For each function, its type signature (a word) is followed by
a 0 terminated list of bytes representing its name.
.SS Handler Section
The final optional section lists all exception handlers declared in the module. The number
of such handlers is given at the start of the section in operand form. For each one, its format
.ft 1
	offset pc1 pc2 desc nlab exc-tab
offset, pc1, pc2, desc, nlab:
	exc-name pc ... exc-name pc pc
.ft R
Each handler specifies the frame offset of its exception structure, the range of pc values it covers (from pc1 up to but not including pc2), the type descriptor of any
memory that needs destroying by the handler (or -1 if none), the number of
exceptions in the handler and then the exception table itself. The latter consists
of a list of exception names and the corresponding pc to jump to when this
exception is raised. This is then followed by the pc to jump to in any wildcard (*) case
or -1 if this is not applicable.
.IR asm (1),
.IR dis (2),
.IR sbl (6)
``The Dis Virtual Machine Specification'', Volume 2