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dir: /man/9/scale/

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scale \- Create and manipulate scale widgets
\f5scale\fI \fIpathName \fR?\fIoptions\fR?
-activebackground -font               -orient
-background       -foreground         -relief
-borderwidth      -highlightcolor     -takefocus
-disabledcolor    -highlightthickness
.B -bigincrement \fIdist\fR
Some interactions with the scale cause its value to change by
``large'' increments;  this option specifies the size of the
large increments.  If specified as 0, the large increments default
to 1/10 the range of the scale.
.B -command \fIcommand\fR
Specifies the prefix of a Tk command to invoke whenever the scale's
value is changed via a widget command.
The actual command consists
of this option followed by a space and a real number indicating the
new value of the scale.
.B -from \fIfrac\fR
A real value corresponding to the left or top end of the scale.
.B -height \fIdist\fP
Specifies a desired height for the scale.
If this option isn't specified, the scale is given a default height.
.B -label \fIstring\fR
A string to display as a label for the scale. If the option is specified
as an empty string, no label is displayed.
.B -resolution \fIfrac\fR
A real value specifying the resolution for the scale.
If this value is greater than zero then the scale's value will always be
rounded to an even multiple of this value, as will tick marks and
the endpoints of the scale.  If the value is less than zero then no
rounding occurs.  Defaults to 1 (i.e., the value will be integral).
.B -showvalue \fIboolean\fR
Specifies a boolean value indicating whether or not the current
value of the scale is to be displayed.
.B -sliderlength \fIdist\fR
Specfies the size of the slider along the slider's
long dimension..
.B -sliderrelief \fIrelief\fI
Specifies the relief to use when drawing the slider.
.B -state \fIstate\fR
Specifies one of three states for the scale:  \f5normal\fR,
\f5active\fR, or \f5disabled\fR.
If the scale is disabled then the value may not be changed and the scale
won't activate.
If the scale is active, the slider is displayed using the colour
specified by the \f5activebackground\fR option.
.B -tickinterval \fIfrac\fR
Must be a real value.
Determines the spacing between numerical
tick marks displayed below or to the left of the slider.
If 0, no tick marks will be displayed.
.B -to \fIfrac\fR
Specifies a real value corresponding
to the right or bottom end of the scale.
This value may be either less than or greater than the \f5from\fR option.
.B -width \fIdist\fP
Specifies a desired width for the scale.
If this option isn't specified, the scale is given a default width.
The \f5scale\fR command creates a new window (given by the
\fIpathName\fR argument) and makes it into a scale widget.
options, described above, may be specified on the command line
to configure aspects of the scale such as its colours, orientation,
and relief.  The \f5scale\fR command returns its
\fIpathName\fR argument.  At the time this command is invoked,
there must not exist a window named \fIpathName\fR.
A scale is a widget that displays a rectangular \fItrough\fR and a
small \fIslider\fR.  The trough corresponds to a range
of real values (determined by the \f5from\fR, \f5to\fR, and
\f5resolution\fR options),
and the position of the slider selects a particular real value.
The slider's position (and hence the scale's value) may be adjusted
with the mouse or keyboard as described in the BINDINGS
section below.  Whenever the scale's value is changed, a Tk
command is invoked (using the \f5command\fR option) to notify
other interested widgets of the change.
Three annotations may be displayed in a scale widget:  a label
appearing at the top right of the widget (top left for horizontal
scales), a number displayed just to the left of the slider
(just above the slider for horizontal scales), and a collection
of numerical tick marks just to the right of the trough
(just below the trough for horizontal scales).  Each of these three
annotations may be enabled or disabled using the
configuration options.

The \f5scale\fR command creates a new Tk command whose
name is \fIpathName\fR.  This
command may be used to invoke various
operations on the widget.  It has the following general form:
\fIpathName option \fR?\fIarg arg ...\fR?
\fIOption\fR and the \fIarg\fRs
determine the exact behaviour of the command.  The following
commands are possible for scale widgets:
\fIpathName \f5cget\fR \fIoption\fR
Returns the current value of the configuration option given
by \fIoption\fR.
\fIOption\fR may have any of the values accepted by the \f5scale\fR
\fIpathName \f5configure\fR ?\fIoption\fR? ?\fIvalue option value ...\fR?
Query or modify the configuration options of the widget.
If no \fIoption\fR is specified, returns a list of all of
the available options for \fIpathName\fR.  If
one or more \fIoption-value\fR pairs are specified, then the command
modifies the given widget option(s) to have the given value(s);  in
this case the command returns an empty string.
\fIOption\fR may have any of the values accepted by the \f5scale\fR
\fIpathName \f5coords \fR?\fIvalue\fR?
Returns a list whose elements are the x and y coordinates of
the point along the centreline of the trough that corresponds
to \fIvalue\fR.
If \fIvalue\fR is omitted then the scale's current value is used.
\fIpathName \f5get\fR ?\fIx y\fR?
If \fIx\fR and \fIy\fR are omitted, returns the current value
of the scale.  If \fIx\fR and \fIy\fR are specified, they give
pixel coordinates within the widget;  the command returns
the scale value corresponding to the given pixel.
Only one of \fIx\fR or \fIy\fR is used:  for horizontal scales
\fIy\fR is ignored, and for vertical scales \fIx\fR is ignored.
\fIpathName \f5identify\fR \fIx y\fR
Returns a string indicating what part of the scale lies under
the coordinates given by \fIx\fR and \fIy\fR.
A return value of \f5slider\fR means that the point is over
the slider;  \f5trough1\fR means that the point is over the
portion of the slider above  or to the left of the slider;
and \f5trough2\fR means that the point is over the portion
of the slider below or to the right of the slider.
If the point isn't over one of these elements, an empty string
is returned.
\fIpathName \f5set\fR \fIvalue\fR
This command is invoked to change the current value of the scale,
and hence the position at which the slider is displayed.  \fIValue\fR
gives the new value for the scale.
The command has no effect if the scale is disabled.
Tk automatically creates bindings for scales that give them
the following default behaviour.
Where the behaviour is different for vertical and horizontal scales,
the horizontal behaviour is described in parentheses.
.IP [1]
If button 1 is pressed in the trough, the scale's value will
be incremented or decremented by the value of the \f5bigincrement\fR
option so that the slider moves in the direction of the cursor. 
If the button is held down, the action auto-repeats.
.IP [2]
If button 1 is pressed over the slider, the slider can be dragged
with the mouse.
.IP [3]
If the widget receives Up-arrow or Left-arrow key events, the scale's value
will be incremented or decremented so as to adjust the value towards the
.BR from value .
.IP [4]
If the widget receives Down-arrow or Right-arrow key events, the scale's value
will be incremented or decremented so as to adjust the value towards the
.BR to value .
If the scale is disabled using the \f5state\fR option then
none of the above bindings have any effect.
The behaviour of scales can be changed by defining new bindings for
individual widgets.
.IR options (9),
.IR types (9)