code: 9ferno

ref: 3b9c359adee736531f204ac53500edf16d7c0fb2
dir: /man/9/see/

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see \- Make a portion of a widget visible.
\f5see \fIoption\fP ?\fIpathName\fR?
\f5See\fP makes sure that a portion of a widget
is visible in its containing view; for instance, it will
scroll a canvas or text widget to ensure that the
specified portion is in view. The following options
are supported:
\f5-rectangle\fP  \fIlist\fP
Specifies a list with four \fIdist\fP coordinates describing the left, top,
right, and bottom coordinates of the rectangular region,
in coordinates relative to the widget origin, of the area
that should be made visible.
\f5-point\fP \fIlist\P
Specifies a list with two \fIdist\fP coordinates describing
a point within the widget that should be made visible
by preference if the entirety of the above-specified
rectangle cannot be shown. Defaults to the top left of
the specified rectangle.
If this option is given, \f5see\fP returns a list containing
the left, top, right and bottom coordinates of
the currently visible portion of
.IR pathName .
If neither the \f5-rectangle\fP or the \f5-point\fP
options are given, then the entire area of \fIpathName\fP
will be made visible.
.IR options (9),
.IR types (9)