code: 9ferno

ref: 58055b9e3a8c6df1cd128a3d4ed3667eab94e472
dir: /man/1/alphabet-grid/

View raw version
grid \- peer-to-peer data distribution
load alphabet
typeset /grid
type /grid/endpoint
.B Grid
is a typeset for
.I alphabet
.IR sh-alphabet (1))
which enables
allows direct interconnection of
remote and local processing components. It defines one new type,
.BR endpoint ,
which represents
a place in the network to which two parties can
connect and exchange data.
In the following descriptions, if a type
is not
.B endpoint
or a type defined in the root typeset (see
.IR alphabet-main (1)),
it is assumed to be of type
.BR /string .
Modules currently provided within 
.B /grid
typeset include:
.TP 10
\f5farm [\f5-lnkavA\fP] \fIendpoint\fP \fIaddr\fP \fItasktype\fP [\fIarg\fP...] -> \fIendpoint\fP
.B Farm
connects to a grid labour exchange (see
.IR scheduler (4))
.IR addr ,
starts a new job of type
.BR workflow ,
and passes all the data read from
.I endpoint
to be processed by the currently available labour.
The data is split into records, each one of which will be
processed on a worker node by
.IR tasktype ,
with its associated
.IR arg uments.
Other than
.BR -A ,
which specifies unauthenticated access to the
the various options are all passed verbatim to
.IR workflow :
.B -l
causes it to split its input on newline-separated records;
.B -n
specifies that no record separation is necessary on output;
.B -k
specifies that intermediate data for failed tasks should
be kept around;
.B -a
specifies that intermediate data for all tasks should
be kept around, and
.B -v
specifies that
.I workflow
should produce a wordy description of what it is doing.
\f5local\fP \fIendpoint\fP -> \fI/fd\fP
.B Local
reads everything from 
.IR endpoint ,
and writes it to
.IR fd .
\f5remote\fP [-a \fIaddr\fP] \fIfd\fP -> \fIendpoint\fP
.B Remote
is the inverse of
.BR local :
it reads data from
.I fd
and writes it to a newly created endpoint.
.B -a
is given,
.I addr
specifies the network address of an endpoint server
on which to create the new endpoint.
\f5rexec\fP [\f5-A\fP] \fIendpoint\fP \fIaddr\fP \fIcmd\fP -> \fIendpoint\fP
.B Rexec
connects to a remote execution server at
.I addr
(unauthenticated if
.B -A
is specified), and arranges to execute the
.I alphabet
.I cmd
there. The expression should be compatible with usage
.BR "fd -> fd" .
Data from the argument
.I endpoint
will be piped through this expression, and
made available as the resulting
.I endpoint
The examples below that a local endpoint is available, and the following
.I alphabet
	load alphabet
	typeset /grid
	type /string /endpoint /fd
	import /grid/local /grid/remote
	autoconvert fd endpoint remote
Set up a rendering pipeline:
	-{/read /tmp/somedata |
		remote |
		rexec tcp!node1!rexec "{(/fd); /filter $1 "{os render_stage1}} |
		rexec tcp!node2!rexec "{(/fd); /filter $1 "{os render_stage2}} |
		/create /tmp/somedata.result
.BR /appl/alphabet/grid.b ,
.BR /appl/alphabet/gridtypes.b
.B /appl/cmd/grid/*.b
.IR sh-alphabet (1),
.IR alphabet-main (1),
.IR sh (1)