code: 9ferno

ref: 58055b9e3a8c6df1cd128a3d4ed3667eab94e472
dir: /man/1/mash-make/

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mash-make \- builtin `make' functionality
.B load make

.B make
.I -clear
.B depends
.I target
.B match
.I pattern
.B rules
.I pattern
.I Make
is a loadable builtin for
.IR mash .
It can be taught about dependencies that exist between components of a program and
rules for reconstructing the components of a program.
.I Make
will examine file modification times to determine which components need
to be updated and will
issue commands to reconstruct them in the correct sequence.
It will update a target if any of its prerequisites are more up to date than the target
or if the target does not exist.
Typically, dependencies and rules are kept in a file called
.BR mashfile .
The sequence
	load make
	run mashfile
is used to load the
.I make
builtin and read the rules from
.BR mashfile .
Thereafter, the command
.B make
.I target
will perform the correct sequence of operations to reconstruct
.I target
and its dependents.
A dependency is specified in
.I mash
with a line of the form:
.IB target-list " : " dependent-list " ; "
.IB target-list " : " dependent-list  " { " rules " }  ;"
Each of the targets in
.I target-list
depends upon each of the dependents in
.IR dependent-list .
The optional
.I rules
specify how to build the targets. For example
	lflags = -Cg;
	rotta.dis : rotta.b rotta.m { limbo $lflags rotta.b };
If the rules are omitted
.I make
must be able to infer them from implicit rules.
An implicit rule is defined with a line of the form:
.I pattern
.B :~
.I dependency
.B {
.I rules
.B }
.I pattern
matches a target that
.I make
needs to build then
.I make
will build the target by first making the
.I dependency
and then applying the
.IR rules .
The wildcard components of the matched target are available in
.I dependency
and the
.I rules
as variables
.BR $1 ,
.BR $2 ,
.BR $3 ...
.B $1
containing the text matched by the first wildcard,
.B $2
the second wildcard
and so on. The whole of the target is available in the variable
.BR $0 .
For example,
    /*/*.m :~ $2.m  { cp $2.m /$1/$2.m };
    /module/rotta.m: rotta.m;
    /altmodule/frame.m: frame.m;
More commonly, implicit rules are defined to provide
.I make
with knowledge of how to compile
.I limbo
source to produce
.I Dis
format binaries.
    *.dis       :~ $1.b     { limbo $lflags $1.b};
    /dis/*.dis  :~ $1.dis   { cp $1.dis /dis};
A target is built with the command
.B make
.I target
The list of rules can be reset with
.B make -clear
The list of dependencies for a target or for all targets can be
displayed with the command
.B depends
.I target
The rules that match a pattern and the components of the pattern
can be displayed with
.B match
.BI ' pattern '
Taking care to hide the pattern from
.I mash
file name pattern matching with quotes.
The command
.B rules
.I pattern
will display all the rules or the rules that apply to pattern
.I pattern
(if given).
.B /appl/cmd/mash/make.b
.IR mash (1)