code: 9ferno

ref: 58055b9e3a8c6df1cd128a3d4ed3667eab94e472
dir: /module/security.m/

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#  security routines implemented in limbo

Virgil: module
	PATH:	con "/dis/lib/virgil.dis";

	virgil:	fn(args: list of string): string;

Random: module
	PATH:	con "/dis/lib/random.dis";

	ReallyRandom:	con 0;
	NotQuiteRandom:	con 1;

	randomint: fn(which: int): int;
	randombuf: fn(which, n: int): array of byte;

#  secure socket layer emulator
SSL: module
	PATH:	con "/dis/lib/ssl.dis";

	connect: fn(fd: ref Sys->FD): (string, ref Sys->Connection);
	secret: fn(c: ref Sys->Connection, secretin, secretout: array of byte): string;

#  Encrypted Key Exchange protocol
Login: module 
	PATH:	con "/dis/lib/login.dis";

	login:	fn(id, password, dest: string): (string, ref Keyring->Authinfo);

#  Station To Station protocol
Auth: module
	PATH:	con "/dis/lib/auth.dis";

	init: fn(): string;
	server: fn(algs: list of string, ai: ref Keyring->Authinfo, fd: ref Sys->FD, setid: int): (ref Sys->FD, string);
	client: fn(alg: string, ai: ref Keyring->Authinfo, fd: ref Sys->FD): (ref Sys->FD, string);
	auth:	fn(ai: ref Keyring->Authinfo, keyspec: string, alg: string, dfd: ref Sys->FD): (ref Sys->FD, ref Keyring->Authinfo, string);
	keyfile:	fn(keyspec: string): string;
	key:	fn(keyspec: string): ref Keyring->Authinfo;