code: 9ferno

ref: 6d69f6fba35087686f79adb2ea0d67944a62ca7b
dir: /man/1/crypt/

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crypt, aescbc \- data encryption
.B crypt
.B -d
] [
.BI -a " alg\fP\fR[\f5/\fP\fIalg\fP\fR]\fP"
] [
.BI -f " keyfile"
] [
.BI -k " key"
] [
.B -?
.B auth/aescbc
.B -d
] [
.B -e
] [
.BI -f " keyfile"
] [
.BI -k " key"
.I Crypt
reads a data stream from its standard input and writes it encrypted to standard output,
preceded by a header that gives details of the algorithm used.
If the
.B -d
option is given,
.I crypt
decrypts the standard input instead, writing the clear text on standard output.
The options are:
.BI -a " alg..."
Specifies one or two algorithms, for encryption and/or digests.
The algorithms are those supported by
.IR ssl (3).
If two algorithms are given, they should be separated by a slash
.RB ( / )
or space, following the conventions of
.IR ssl (3).
.BI -f " keyfile"
Read the encryption key from the given file, which obviously should be carefully protected.
Trailing newlines are ignored.
.BI -k " key"
.I key
as the encryption key.
.B -?
Print a list of the available encryption and digest algorithms.
If the secret
.I key
is not otherwise supplied,
.I crypt
prompts for it on
.BR /dev/cons .
There is no need to give algorithms when decrypting, because they are taken from the header.
The default algorithm is
.BR md5/ideacbc .
It might be necessary to change that when using
.I crypt
for commercial purposes, as noted in
.IR keyring-crypt (2).
.I Aescbc
encrypts and decrypts using AES (Rijndael) in cypher
block chaining (CBC) mode.
It uses input and output formats compatible with Plan 9's
.I aescbc
command; it also
accepts input in the format used by
.IR keyfs (4)
and Plan 9's
.IR secstore .
.B -e
option causes it to encrypt; the
.B -d
option to decrypt.
The other options are just as for
.IR crypt .
.B /appl/cmd/crypt.b
.B /appl/cmd/auth/aescbc.b
.IR ssl (3),
.IR keyfs (4)