code: 9ferno

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Trademarks referenced in this document:
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Inferno, Dis, Styx and Limbo are registered trademarks of Vita Nuova Holdings Limited
    in the United States and other countries.
68020 and 68040 are trademarks of Motorola.
AMD is a trade mark of Advanced Micro Devices.
ARM is a trade mark of Advanced Risc Machines, Limited.
DSP3210 is a trade mark of AT&T.
Aladdin Ghostscript is a trademark of Aladdin Enterprises.
CGA is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
Challenge, Indigo\s-2\u2\d\s0, Indy, and POWER Series are trademarks of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Ethernet is a trademark of Xerox Corporation.
IBM, PS/2, and VGA are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
IDEA is a trademark of Ascom-Tech AG.
Intel, i386, 960, 8088, 80286, 80386, 80486, and Pentium are trademarks of Intel Corporation.
Java is a trademark and Sun is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems Inc.
Lucida and Pellucida are registered trademarks of Bigelow & Holmes.
MIPS and R3000 are registered trademarks of MIPS Technologies, Inc.
Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Windows, Windows NT and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation
    in the United States and other countries.
NFS is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
PDP and VAX are registered trademarks of Digital Equipment Corp.
Plan 9 is a trademark of Lucent Technologies Inc.
PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
ProPhone is a registered trademark of Prolink Corporation.
R2000, R6000, R4000, and R4400 are trademarks of MIPS Technologies, Inc.
RC4 is a registered trademark of RSA Security Inc.
SecureNet is a registered trademark of Digital Pathways, Inc.
Silicon Graphics, IRIS Indigo, IRIS, and IRIX are registered trademarks of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Sound Blaster is a registered trademark of Creative Labs, Inc.
SPARC is a registered trademark of SPARC International, Inc.
StrongARM is a registered trademark of Advanced RISC Machines, Ltd.
ThinkJet  is a registered trademark of the Hewlett-Packard Company.
Unicode is a registered trademark of Unicode, Inc.
UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group.