code: 9ferno

ref: b2509ed78c437b8f49637c39279b8fb0a417e826
dir: /appl/alphabet/newtypesets/

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arithmetic typeset:
	i+i int int -> int
	{(int); {i+i $1 10}}
	{i+i 12 34} | {i*i 10} | {
	Expr: adt {
		pick {
		Op =>
			op: int;
			l: ref Expr;
			r: ref Expr;
		Int =>
			i: int;
		Big =>
			i: big;
		Real =>
			i: real;
	+ {int 12} {
	when we come to run the expression, say in module
	generate limbo code containing function
		gen(hd args);
		gen(hd tl args);
	output limbo code might look like:
	implement M;
	M: module {
		f: fn(a, b: int): int;
	f(a, b: int): int
		return (a + 


	rect point point -> rect
	point string string -> point

	x point -> string
	y point -> string

	r string [string...] -> rect rect -> rect
	r.min rect -> point
	r.max rect -> point
	r.dx rect -> string
	r.dy rect -> string
	r.combine rect rect -> rect
	r+p rect point -> rect
	r-p rect point -> rect
	r.inset rect string -> rect

	image [-r] [-b string] [-c string] rect -> image
	draw [-o string] image point image -> image
	win [-t string] rect -> image
	tkwin [-t string] rect -> tk
	tk tk string -> tk

{(rect); r {min $1|x} {min $1|y} {max $1|x} {max $1|y}}

if we wish to be at all efficient, we need to deal with chans
not single values.

	r: chan of Rect;

or do we?
if we had some way of expressing combinations
of external modules, then perhaps an external
typeset could do a reasonable job of interpreting stuff.

if a typeset can build expressions bottom-up, incrementally
out of its own components...

when we're rewriting an expression, we could rewrite it
in terms of module units provided by the underlying
typeset... when we ask to find a module, the typeset
can return some other info as well

we can give the underlying typeset an opportunity
to optimise the expression, if some of its arguments are
modules from the same typeset, or from a parent/grandparent

on Load, the typeset could be given expressions representing
each of its arguments. it then has the opportunity to rewrite
this whole expression, yielding a module customised for the
particular arguments it's been given.

perhaps a typeset could assign ids to each module it has returned,
so that it could easily look up...
of course, the arguments to the expression consist either
of modules external to the typeset (no optimisation possible),
or of modules that have already been loaded by the typeset
(or by its parent), in which case we can retrieve info on them
and decide what sort of optimisation might be possible.

there's a moment when you should actually have
the opportunity to compile optimised code
(when the expression is passed to another typeset's module?)


what about expression types, and allowing access to expressions
from within the context of a particular typeset.

perhaps any typeset could be treated as the root
typeset for the purposes of a particular expression evaluation:

what about

	{(/grid/data /fs/fs)
		/grid/local $1 |
		/fs/unbundle |
		/fs/merge $2

when we wish to pass $1 and $2 from our own program?

	/fs/merge {/fs/unbundle {/grid/local $1}} $2}

so reduces to

	fd := {grid/local $1}						# in /grid/typeset
	result := {/fs/merge {/fs/unbundle $fd} $2}	# in /fs typeset

maybe not possible. (bollocks)


typeset for the control library.

decl {
	declare read (string >> fd)
	define hello (string >> fd) {(string); read $1}

abc typeset

	declare [-t string] abc string string -> abc
	typeset abc string -> abc
	define abc string cmd -> abc
	eval abc cmd -> any

	abc |
	declare read (string >> fd) |
	define wc (fd >> fd) |
	define readfile {(>>fd); read /tmp/blah}
} | {(abc);
	eval $1 "{

compile string >> expr

compile string >> (abc string >> expr)

compile '100 + 12 * sin($1)'

transform fd (string >> string) >> fd


descendant typesets problem...

we can't tell which types are identical.

when we load a typeset, we have to look at its parent
typeset and use its types if the typec characters are contained there.


if we allow expression types, we have to be very careful...
can get recursion (equivalent to Y-combinator in λ calculus):

declare eval (cmd->cmd) [(cmd->cmd)...] -> (cmd->cmd)

		eval $1 $1
	} "{((cmd->cmd)->(cmd->cmd))
		eval $1 $1

note this isn't possible without an eval operator and/or
something that admits a cyclic expression type evaluation.

note also that if this was done in the current implementation,
it would just hang, as two runs can't be outstanding at the same time (monitor channel).



apply1 records (data -> status) -> records
apply records (data -> status) -> status

filter records (data -> data) -> records
filter1 records (data -> data) -> records

discard records -> status

| apply1 "{
	| data2fd | /fs/unbundle | /fs/write somewhere
} | apply "{