code: 9ferno

ref: b2509ed78c437b8f49637c39279b8fb0a417e826
dir: /appl/wm/dir.b/

View raw version
implement WmDir;

include "sys.m";
	sys: Sys;
	Dir: import sys;

include "draw.m";
	draw: Draw;
	ctxt: ref Draw->Context;
	Font: import draw;

include "tk.m";
	tk: Tk;
	Toplevel: import tk;

include "tkclient.m";
	tkclient: Tkclient;

include "dialog.m";
	dialog: Dialog;

include "readdir.m";
	readdir: Readdir;

include "daytime.m";
	daytime: Daytime;

include "plumbmsg.m";
	plumbmsg: Plumbmsg;
	Msg: import plumbmsg;

include "env.m";

include "arrays.m";
	arrays: Arrays;

include "string.m";
	strings: String;

Fontwidth: 	int;
font:		string;
Xwidth:		con 50;

WmDir: module
	init:	fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string);

Wm: module
	init:	fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string);

Ft: adt
	ext:	string;
	cmd:	string;
	tkname:	string;
	icon:	string;
	loaded:	int;
	givearg:	int;

dirwin_cfg := array[] of {
	# Lay out the screen
	"frame .fc",
	"scrollbar .fc.scroll -command {.fc.c yview}",

	"canvas .fc.c -relief sunken -yscrollincrement 25"+
		" -borderwidth 2 -width 10c -height 300"+
		" -yscrollcommand {.fc.scroll set} $font",

	"frame .mbar",
	"menubutton .mbar.opt -text {Options} -menu .opt",
	".mbar configure $font",
	".mbar.opt configure $font",
	"pack .mbar.opt -side left",
	"pack .fc.scroll -side right -fill y",
	"pack .fc.c -fill both -expand 1",
	"pack .mbar -fill x",
	"pack .fc -fill both -expand 1",
	"pack propagate . 0",

	# prepare cursor
	"image create bitmap waiting -file cursor.wait",

	# Build the options menu
	"menu .opt",
	".opt configure $font",
	".opt add radiobutton -text {by name}"+
		" -variable sort -value n -command {send opt sort}",
	".opt add radiobutton -text {by access}"+
		" -variable sort -value a -command {send opt sort}",
	".opt add radiobutton -text {by modify}"+
		" -variable sort -value m -command {send opt sort}",
	".opt add radiobutton -text {by size}"+
		" -variable sort -value s -command {send opt sort}",
	".opt add separator",
	".opt add radiobutton -text {use icons}"+
		" -variable show -value i -command {send opt icon}",
	".opt add radiobutton -text {use text}"
		+" -variable show -value t -command {send opt text}",
	".opt add separator",
	".opt add checkbutton -text {Walk} -command {send opt walk}",

key := Readdir->NAME;
walk: int;
path: string;
usetext: int;
cmdname: string;
sysnam: string;
nde: int;
now: int;
plumbed := 0;
de: array of ref Sys->Dir;

filetypes: array of ref Ft;
deftype: ref Ft;
dirtype: ref Ft;

	deftype = ref Ft("", "/dis/wm/edit.dis", "WmDir_Dis", "file", 0, 1);
	dirtype = ref Ft("", nil, "WmDir_Dir", "dir", 0, 1);
	filetypes = array[] of {
		ref Ft("dis", nil, "WmDis_Pic", "dis", 0, 0),
		ref Ft("bit", "/dis/wm/view.dis", "WmDir_Pic", "pic", 0, 1),
		ref Ft("gif", "/dis/wm/view.dis", "WmDir_Pic", "pic", 0, 1),
		ref Ft("jpg", "/dis/wm/view.dis", "WmDir_Pic", "pic", 0, 1),
		ref Ft("jpeg", "/dis/wm/view.dis", "WmDir_Pic", "pic", 0, 1),
		ref Ft("mask", "/dis/wm/view.dis", "WmDir_Pic", "pic", 0, 1),

init(env: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string)
	ctxt = env;

	sys  = load Sys Sys->PATH;
	if (ctxt == nil) {
		sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "dir: no window context\n");
		raise "fail:bad context";
	draw = load Draw Draw->PATH;
	tk   = load Tk Tk->PATH;
	tkclient = load Tkclient Tkclient->PATH;
	dialog = load Dialog Dialog->PATH;
	readdir = load Readdir Readdir->PATH;
	plumbmsg = load Plumbmsg Plumbmsg->PATH;
	if(plumbmsg != nil && plumbmsg->init(1, nil, 0) >= 0)
		plumbed = 1;
	environ := load Env Env->PATH;
	arrays = load Arrays Arrays->PATH;
	strings = load String String->PATH;

	font = environ->getenv("font");
	if(font == nil)
		font = "/fonts/misc/latin1.8x13.font";

	# Graceful guards?
	Fontwidth =, font).width(" ");

	font = " -font " + font + " ";


	cmdname = hd argv;
	sysnam = sysname()+":";

	(t, wmctl) := tkclient->toplevel(ctxt, "", "", Tkclient->Appl);

	tk->cmd(t, "cursor -image waiting");

	filecmd := chan of string;
	tk->namechan(t, filecmd, "fc");
	conf := chan of string;
	tk->namechan(t, conf, "cf");
	opt := chan of string;
	tk->namechan(t, opt, "opt");

	argv = tl argv;
	if(argv == nil)
		getdir(t, "");
		getdir(t, hd argv);

	# Patch in font (need a replaceall?)
	dirwin_cfg = arrays->map(dirwin_cfg, fontify);

	for (c:=0; c<len dirwin_cfg; c++)
		tk->cmd(t, dirwin_cfg[c]);
	tk->cmd(t, "update; cursor -default");
	tk->cmd(t, "bind . <Configure> {send cf conf}");
	tkclient->onscreen(t, nil);
	tkclient->startinput(t, "kbd"::"ptr"::nil);

	menu := "";

f:	for(;;) alt {
	s := <-t.ctxt.kbd =>
		tk->keyboard(t, s);
	s := <-t.ctxt.ptr =>
		tk->pointer(t, *s);
	s := <-t.ctxt.ctl or
	s = <-t.wreq or
	s = <-wmctl =>
		if (s == "exit")
		tkclient->wmctl(t, s);
	<-conf =>
		# Only recompute contents if the size changed
		if(menu[0] != 's')
		tk->cmd(t, ".fc.c delete all");
		tk->cmd(t, ".fc.c yview moveto 0; update");
	mopt := <-opt =>
		case mopt {
		"sort" =>
			case tk->cmd(t, "variable sort") {
			"n" => key = readdir->NAME;
			"a" => key = readdir->ATIME;
			"m" => key = readdir->MTIME;
			"s" => key = readdir->SIZE;
			(de, nde) = readdir->sortdir(de, key);
		"walk" =>
			walk = !walk;
			continue f;
		"text" =>
			usetext = 1;
		"icon" =>
			usetext = 0;
		tk->cmd(t, ".fc.c delete all");
		tk->cmd(t, ".fc.c yview moveto 0; update");
	action := <-filecmd =>
		nd := int action[1:];
		if(nd > len de)
		case action[0] {
		'1' =>
			button1(t, de[nd]);
		'3' =>
			button3(t, de[nd]);

getdir(t: ref Toplevel, dir: string)
	if(dir == "")
		dir = "/";

	path = dir;
	if (path[len path - 1] != '/')
		path[len path] = '/';

	(de, nde) = readdir->init(path, key);
	if(nde < 0) {
		dialog->prompt(ctxt, t.image, "error -fg red",
				"Read directory",
				sys->sprint("Error reading \"%s\"\n%r", path),
				0, "Exit"::nil);

	if(path != "/") {
		(ok, d) := sys->stat("..");
		if(ok >= 0) {
			dot := array[nde+1] of ref Dir;
			dot[0] = ref d;
			dot[0].name = "..";
			dot[1:] = de;
			de = dot;

	for(i := 0; i < nde; i++) {
		s := de[i].name;
		l := len s;
		if(l > 4 && s[l-4:] == ".dis")
			de[i].mode |= 8r111;
	tkclient->settitle(t, sysnam+path);

defcursor(t: ref Toplevel)
	tk->cmd(t, "cursor -default");

button1(t: ref Toplevel, item: ref Dir)
	mod: Wm;

	tk->cmd(t, "cursor -image waiting");
	npath := path;
	name := + "/";
	if( == "..") {
		i := len path - 2;
		while(i > 0 && path[i] != '/')
		npath = path[0:i];
		name = "/";

	exec := npath+name[0:len name-1];
	ft := filetype(t, item, exec);

	if(item.mode & Sys->DMDIR) {
		if(walk != 0) {
			path = npath;
			getdir(t, npath+name);
			tk->cmd(t, ".fc.c delete all");
			tk->cmd(t, ".fc.c yview moveto 0; update");
		mod = load Wm "/dis/wm/dir.dis";
		if(mod == nil) {
			dialog->prompt(ctxt, t.image, "error -fg red", "Load Dir module",
				sys->sprint("Error: %r"),
				0, "Continue"::nil);
		args := npath+name :: nil;
		args = cmdname :: args;
		spawn mod->init(ctxt,  args);

	cmd := ft.cmd;
	if(cmd == nil)
		cmd = npath+name;

	mod = load Wm cmd;
	if(mod == nil) {
		dialog->prompt(ctxt, t.image, "error -fg red", "Load Module",
			sys->sprint("Trying to load \"%s\"\n%r", cmd),
			0, "Continue"::nil);
		spawn applinit(mod, ctxt, :: exec :: nil);
		spawn applinit(mod, ctxt, :: nil);

applinit(mod: Wm, ctxt: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string)
	sys->pctl(sys->NEWPGRP|sys->FORKFD, nil);
	spawn mod->init(ctxt, args);

button3(nil: ref Toplevel, stat: ref Sys->Dir)
	msg := ref Msg(
		array of byte;


filetype(t: ref Toplevel, d: ref Dir, path: string): ref Ft
	if(d.mode & Sys->DMDIR)
		return loadtype(t, dirtype);

	suffix := "";
	for(j := len path-2; j >= 0; j--) {
		if(path[j] == '.') {
			suffix = path[j+1:];

	if(suffix == "")
		return loadtype(t, deftype);

	if(suffix[0] >= 'A' && suffix[0] <= 'Z') {
		for(j = 0; j < len suffix; j++)
			suffix[j] += ('A' - 'a');

	for(i := 0; i<len filetypes; i++) {
		if(suffix == filetypes[i].ext)
			return loadtype(t, filetypes[i]);

	return loadtype(t, deftype);

loadtype(t: ref Toplevel, ft: ref Ft): ref Ft
		return ft;

	s := sys->sprint("image create bitmap %s -file %s.bit -maskfile %s.mask",
				ft.tkname, ft.icon, ft.icon);	
	tk->cmd(t, s);

	ft.loaded = 1;
	return ft;

drawdir(t: ref Toplevel)

drawdirtxt(t: ref Toplevel)
	if(daytime == nil) {
		daytime = load Daytime Daytime->PATH;
		if(daytime == nil) {
			dialog->prompt(ctxt, t.image, "error -fg red", "Load Module",
				sys->sprint("Trying to load \"%s\"\n%r", Daytime->PATH),
				0, "Continue"::nil);
		now = daytime->now();

	y := 10;
	for(i := 0; i < nde; i++) {
		tp := "file";
		if(de[i].mode & Sys->DMDIR)
			tp = "dir ";
		if(de[i].mode & 8r111)
			tp = "exe ";
		s := sys->sprint("%s %7bd %s %s",
			daytime->filet(now, de[i].mtime),
		id := tk->cmd(t, ".fc.c create text 10 "+string y+
				" -anchor w -text {"+s+"}");

		base := ".fc.c bind "+id;
		tk->cmd(t, base+" <Double-Button-1> {send fc %b "+string i+"}");
		tk->cmd(t, base+" <Button-3> {send fc %b "+string i+"}");
		tk->cmd(t, base+" <Motion-Button-3> {}");
		y += 15;

	x := int tk->cmd(t, ".fc.c cget actwidth");
	tk->cmd(t, ".fc.c configure -scrollregion { 0 0 "+string x+" "+string y+"}");

drawdirico(t: ref Toplevel)
	w := int tk->cmd(t, ".fc.c cget actwidth");

	longest := 0;
	for(i := 0; i < nde; i++) {
		l := len de[i].name;
		if(l > longest)
			longest = l;
	longest += 2;

	minw := (longest*Fontwidth);
	if( w < minw ){
		w = minw + int tk->cmd(t, ".fc.scroll cget actwidth");
		tk->cmd(t, ". configure -width "+string w);
		w = minw;

	xwid := Xwidth;
	x := w/minw;
	x = w/x;
	if(x > xwid)
		xwid = x;

	x = xwid/2;
	y := 20;

	for(i = 0; i < nde; i++) {
		sx := string x;
		ft := filetype(t, de[i], de[i].name);
		img := ft.tkname;
		id := tk->cmd(t, ".fc.c create image "+sx+" "+
				string y+" -image "+img);
		tk->cmd(t, ".fc.c create text "+sx+
				" "+string (y+25)+" -text "+de[i].name);

		base := ".fc.c bind "+id;
		tk->cmd(t, base+" <Double-Button-1> {send fc %b "+string i+"}");
		tk->cmd(t, base+" <Button-2> {send fc %b "+string i+"}");
		tk->cmd(t, base+" <Motion-Button-2> {}");
		tk->cmd(t, base+" <Button-3> {send fc %b "+string i+"}");
		tk->cmd(t, base+" <Motion-Button-3> {}");
		x += xwid;
		if(x > w) {
			x = xwid/2;
			y += 50;
	y += 50;
	x = int tk->cmd(t, ".fc.c cget actwidth");
	tk->cmd(t, ".fc.c configure -scrollregion { 0 0 "+string x+" "+string y+"}");

sysname(): string
	syspath := "#c";
	if ( cmdname == "wmdir" )
		syspath = "/n/dev";
	fd := sys->open(syspath+"/sysname", sys->OREAD);
	if(fd == nil)
		return "Anon";
	buf := array[128] of byte;
	n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf);
	if(n < 0) 
		return "Anon";
	return string buf[0:n];

# Substitute '$font' with font string
fontify(s: string): string {
	return strings->replace(s, "$font", font, -1);