code: 9ferno

ref: e81c54ba2ecc673a4d5f8aed0e9b52841fe07b0d
dir: /appl/cmd/mash/mash.m/

View raw version
include	"sys.m";
include	"bufio.m";
include	"draw.m";
include	"hash.m";
include	"filepat.m";
include	"regex.m";
include	"sh.m";
include	"string.m";
include	"tk.m";

#	mash - Inferno make/shell
#	Bruce Ellis - 1Q 98

		: con iota;	# Redirections

		: con iota;	# Items

		: con iota;	# Commands

		: con iota;	# Symbol types

Mashlib: module
	PATH:	con "/dis/lib/mashlib.dis";

	File: adt
		in:	ref Bufio->Iobuf;
		name:	string;
		line:	int;
		eof:	int;

	Src: adt
		line:	int;
		file:	string;

		: con 1 << iota;

	Word: adt
		text:	string;
		flags:	int;
		where:	Src;

		word:	fn(w: self ref Word, d: string): string;

	Item: adt
		op:		int;
		word:		ref Word;
		left, right:	ref Item;
		cmd:		ref Cmd;
		redir:		ref Redir;

		item1:		fn(op: int, l: ref Item): ref Item;
		item2:		fn(op: int, l, r: ref Item): ref Item;
		itemc:		fn(op: int, c: ref Cmd): ref Item;
		iteml:		fn(l: list of string): ref Item;
		itemr:		fn(op: int, i: ref Item): ref Item;
		itemw:		fn(s: string): ref Item;

		caret:		fn(i: self ref Item, e: ref Env): (string, list of string, int);
		ieval:		fn(i: self ref Item, e: ref Env): (string, list of string, int);
		ieval1:		fn(i: self ref Item, e: ref Env): ref Item;
		ieval2:		fn(i: self ref Item, e: ref Env): (string, list of string, int);
		reval:		fn(i: self ref Item, e: ref Env): (int, string);
		sword:		fn(i: self ref Item, e: ref Env): ref Item;
		text:		fn(i: self ref Item): string;

	Redir: adt
		op:	int;
		word:	ref Item;

	Cmd: adt
		op:		int;
		words:		cyclic list of ref Item;
		left, right:	cyclic ref Cmd;
		item:		cyclic ref Item;
		redirs:		cyclic list of ref Redir;
		value:		list of string;
		error:		int;

		cmd1:		fn(op: int, l: ref Cmd): ref Cmd;
		cmd2:		fn(op: int, l, r: ref Cmd): ref Cmd;
		cmd1i:		fn(op: int, l: ref Cmd, i: ref Item): ref Cmd;
		cmd1w:		fn(op: int, l: ref Cmd, w: list of ref Item): ref Cmd;
		cmde:		fn(c: self ref Cmd, op: int, l, r: ref Cmd): ref Cmd;
		cmdiw:		fn(op: int, i: ref Item, w: list of ref Item): ref Cmd;

		assign:		fn(c: self ref Cmd, e: ref Env, def: int);
		checkpipe:	fn(c: self ref Cmd, e: ref Env, f: int): int;
		cmdio:		fn(c: self ref Cmd, e: ref Env, i: ref Item);
		depend:		fn(c: self ref Cmd, e: ref Env);
		eeval:		fn(c: self ref Cmd, e: ref Env): (string, list of string);
		eeval1:		fn(c: self ref Cmd, e: ref Env): ref Cmd;
		eeval2:		fn(c: self ref Cmd, e: ref Env): (string, list of string, int);
		evaleq:		fn(c: self ref Cmd, e: ref Env): int;
		evalmatch:	fn(c: self ref Cmd, e: ref Env): int;
		mkcmd:		fn(c: self ref Cmd, e: ref Env, async: int): ref Cmd;
		quote:		fn(c: self ref Cmd, e: ref Env, back: int): ref Item;
		rotcases:	fn(c: self ref Cmd): ref Cmd;
		rule:		fn(c: self ref Cmd, e: ref Env);
		serve:		fn(c: self ref Cmd, e: ref Env, write: int): ref Item;
		simple:		fn(c: self ref Cmd, e: ref Env, wait: int);
		text:		fn(c: self ref Cmd): string;
		truth:		fn(c: self ref Cmd, e: ref Env): int;
		xeq:		fn(c: self ref Cmd, e: ref Env);
		xeqit:		fn(c: self ref Cmd, e: ref Env, wait: int);

	Depend: adt
		targets:	list of string;
		depends:	list of string;
		op:		int;
		cmd:		ref Cmd;
		mark:		int;

	Target: adt
		target:		string;
		depends:	list of ref Depend;

		find:		fn(s: string): ref Target;

	Lhs: adt
		text:	string;
		elems:	list of string;
		count:	int;

	Rule: adt
		lhs:	ref Lhs;
		rhs:	ref Item;
		op:	int;
		cmd:	ref Cmd;

		match:		fn(r: self ref Rule, a, n: int, t: list of string): int;
		matches:	fn(r: self ref Rule, t: list of string): array of string;

	SHASH:	con 31;			# Symbol table hash size
	SMASK:	con 16r7FFFFFFF;	# Mask for SHASH bits

	Symb: adt
		name:		string;
		value:		list of string;
		func:		ref Cmd;
		builtin:	Mashbuiltin;
		tag:		int;

	Stab: adt
		tab:		array of list of ref Symb;
		wmask:	int;
		copy:		int;

		new:		fn(): ref Stab;
		clone:		fn(t: self ref Stab): ref Stab;
		all:		fn(t: self ref Stab): list of ref Symb;
		assign:		fn(t: self ref Stab, s: string, v: list of string);
		defbuiltin:	fn(t: self ref Stab, s: string, b: Mashbuiltin);
		define:		fn(t: self ref Stab, s: string, f: ref Cmd);
		find:		fn(t: self ref Stab, s: string): ref Symb;
		func:		fn(t: self ref Stab, s: string): ref Cmd;
		update:		fn(t: self ref Stab, s: string, tag: int, v: list of string, f: ref Cmd, b: Mashbuiltin): ref Symb;

	ETop, EInter, EEcho, ERaise, EDumping, ENoxeq:
		con 1 << iota;

	Env: adt
		global:		ref Stab;
		local:		ref Stab;
		flags:		int;
		in, out:	ref Sys->FD;
		stderr:		ref Sys->FD;
		wait:		ref Sys->FD;
		file:		ref File;
		args:		array of string;
		level:		int;

		new:		fn(): ref Env;
		clone:		fn(e: self ref Env): ref Env;
		copy:		fn(e: self ref Env): ref Env;

		interactive:	fn(e: self ref Env, fd: ref Sys->FD);

		arg:		fn(e: self ref Env, s: string): string;
		builtin:	fn(e: self ref Env, s: string): Mashbuiltin;
		defbuiltin:	fn(e: self ref Env, s: string, b: Mashbuiltin);
		define:		fn(e: self ref Env, s: string, f: ref Cmd);
		dollar:		fn(e: self ref Env, s: string): ref Symb;
		func:		fn(e: self ref Env, s: string): ref Cmd;
		let:		fn(e: self ref Env, s: string, v: list of string);
		set:		fn(e: self ref Env, s: string, v: list of string);

		couldnot:	fn(e: self ref Env, what, who: string);
		diag:		fn(e: self ref Env, s: string): string;
		error:		fn(e: self ref Env, s: string);
		report:		fn(e: self ref Env, s: string);
		sopen:		fn(e: self ref Env, s: string);
		suck:		fn(e: self ref Env);
		undefined:	fn(e: self ref Env, s: string);
		usage:		fn(e: self ref Env, s: string);

		devnull:	fn(e: self ref Env): ref Sys->FD;
		fopen:		fn(e: self ref Env, fd: ref Sys->FD, s: string);
		outfile:	fn(e: self ref Env): ref Bufio->Iobuf;
		output:		fn(e: self ref Env, s: string);
		pipe:		fn(e: self ref Env): array of ref Sys->FD;
		runit:		fn(e: self ref Env, s: list of string, in, out: ref Sys->FD, wait: int);
		serve:		fn(e: self ref Env);
		servefd:	fn(e: self ref Env, fd: ref Sys->FD, write: int): string;
		servefile:	fn(e: self ref Env, n: string): (string, ref Sys->FileIO);

		doload:		fn(e: self ref Env, s: string);
		lex:		fn(e: self ref Env, y: ref Mashparse->YYSTYPE): int;
		mklist:		fn(e: self ref Env, l: list of ref Item): list of ref Item;
		mksimple:	fn(e: self ref Env, l: list of ref Item): ref Cmd;

	initmash:	fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, top: ref Tk->Toplevel, s: Sys, e: ref Env, l: Mashlib, p: Mashparse);
	nonexistent:	fn(s: string): int;

	errstr:		fn(): string;
	exits:		fn(s: string);
	ident:		fn(s: string): int;
	initdep:	fn();
	prepareio:	fn(in, out: ref sys->FD): (int, ref Sys->FD);
	prprompt:	fn(n: int);
	quote:		fn(s: string): string;
	reap:		fn();
	revitems:	fn(l: list of ref Item): list of ref Item;
	revstrs:	fn(l: list of string): list of string;
	rulematch:	fn(s: string): list of ref Rule;

	ARGS:		con "args";
	BUILTINS:	con "builtins.dis";
	CHAN:		con "/chan";
	CONSOLE:	con "/dev/cons";
	DEVNULL:	con "/dev/null";
	EEXISTS:	con "file exists";
	EPIPE:		con "write on closed pipe";
	EXIT:		con "exit";
	FAILPAT:	con "fail:*";
	FAIL:		con "fail:";
	FAILLEN:	con len FAIL;
	HISTF:		con "history";
	LIB:		con "/dis/lib/mash/";
	MASHF:		con "mash";
	MASHINIT:	con "mashinit";
	PROFILE:	con "/lib/mashinit";
	TRUE:		con "true";
	MAXELEV:	con 256;

	sys:		Sys;
	bufio:		Bufio;
	filepat:	Filepat;
	hash:		Hash;
	regex:		Regex;
	str:		String;
	tk:		Tk;

	gctxt:		ref Draw->Context;
	gtop:		ref Tk->Toplevel;

	prompt:		string;
	contin:		string;

	empty:		list of string;

	PIDEXIT:	con 0;

	histchan:	chan of array of byte;
	inchan:		chan of array of byte;
	pidchan:	chan of int;
	servechan:	chan of array of byte;
	startserve:	int;

	rules:		list of ref Rule;
	dephash:	array of list of ref Target;

	parse:		Mashparse;

#	Interface to loadable builtin modules.  mashinit is called when a module
#	is loaded.  mashcmd is called for a builtin as defined by Env.defbuiltin().
#	init() is in the interface to catch the use of builtin modules as commands.
#	name() is used by whatis.
Mashbuiltin: module
	mashinit:	fn(l: list of string, lib: Mashlib, this: Mashbuiltin, e: ref Mashlib->Env);
	mashcmd:	fn(e: ref Mashlib->Env, l: list of string);
	init:		fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string);
	name:		fn(): string;