code: mafs

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ref: 47d0983b3531256bf4c1a7dd469860a57fc213a0
parent: c90cf36d55e6ec3b9bc1e2c6fe1ef52a4e020654
author: 9ferno <>
date: Fri Oct 21 08:49:14 EDT 2022

increased hash buckets

--- a/dat.h
+++ b/dat.h
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@
 		using Nbuckets=2 for testing.
 	Size of buffer cache = Nbuckets * Ncollisions * Rawblocksize
-		= 256 * 10 * 1MiB = 2.5GiB
+		= 2048 * 10 * 512 bytes = 10MiB
-	Nbuckets = 256,	/* number of Hiob */
+	Nbuckets = 2048,	/* number of Hiob */
 	Ncollisions = 10,	/* soft limit after which we start reusing older Iobuf's */
 	/* Qpnone is the Tag.path of free blocks/extents(Tfree),