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ref: 52e1939db1bfb60e7c9101c03068f6c2cfa27fa0
parent: b3ccded71dc0330ba63fdb7d7a0e6fc6ded1657e
author: 9ferno <>
date: Mon Nov 7 13:03:32 EST 2022

corrected test.e notes

--- a/tests/test.e/notes
+++ b/tests/test.e/notes
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
 Creates a disk of 32 blocks. Unmarked blocks are filled from /dev/random.
-Duplicate of test.2 but seeded with random data.
+check that deleted files and directories do not show up in a listing.
-test mkdir -p a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h
 block	- description
 0		- magic
 1		- config
@@ -24,17 +22,17 @@
 16	- /adm/ctl dir entry -- virtual file, empty contents
 17	- /adm/frees dir entry
-18	- /dir1 directory entry
-19	- /dir1/file1 directory entry
-20	- /dir1/file1 contents
-21	- /adm/frees contents
+18	- /a directory entry
+19	- zeroed out directory entry of /a/b
+20	- /a/c directory entry
+21	- zeroed out directory entry of /a/1.txt
 22	- / direntry
 23	- super block
 24	- config
+25	- /a/2.txt directory entry
+26	- contents of /adm/frees