
Download patch

ref: 00bc8cf8f8f5cc6d516386d2aeda3a03598fe229
parent: 9db87a2727cb68d7445a0dd69779f2f178692b24
author: stanley lieber <>
date: Mon May 11 19:32:01 EDT 2020, add 2.5 - Sending Fixes (thanks, Ori_B)

--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -304,6 +304,18 @@ - Make a process snapshot
 .ihtml a
+.ihtml a <a href="fqa2.html#2.5">
+2.5 - Sending Fixes
+.ihtml a
+.ihtml a <a href="fqa2.html#2.5.1">
+2.5.1 - How do I write good patches?
+.ihtml a
+.ihtml a <a href="fqa2.html#2.5.2">
+2.5.2 - How do I send in my patches?
+.ihtml a
 .ihtml h1 <h1>
 3 - Hardware
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -507,6 +507,65 @@
 % snap 882285 > rssread.snap
+.ihtml a
+.html - <a name="2.5" />
+.ihtml h2 <h2>
+2.5 - Sending Fixes
+.ihtml h2
+We take fixes.
+.html - <a name="2.5.1" />
+.ihtml h3 <h3>
+2.5.1 - How do I write good patches?
+.ihtml h3
+Explain the problem that your change solves.
+Explain why your change solves the problem well.
+If applicable, explain how you tested the patch, and
+give us a way of reproducing the issue.
+Before Before making the patch, make sure your system is up to
+Make your code match the rest of the system. Look at
+.IR style (6)
+for a summary of our code style.
+If your patch includes new features or flags, be sure to update
+the documentation.
+If the patch is intrusive or significantly changes the design of
+aspects of the system, it may be worth discussing it first.
+Email works for this, but IRC works better.
+.html - <a name="2.5.2" />
+.ihtml h3 <h3>
+2.5.2 - How do I send in my patches?
+.ihtml h3
+To send changes, email with your patch attached inline.
+Generate the patch using
+% cd /sys/src/your/changed/code
+% hg diff . > /tmp/mypatch.diff
+and paste the change into your email client of choice.
+This project is run by hobbyists.
+It may take some time for people to respond.
+If you don't hear anything for more than a week or so, send a ping.
 .html - <hr />
 .html - <a href="fqa.html">FQA INDEX</a> |
 .html - <a href="fqa1.html">FQA 1 - Introduction To 9front</a> |