code: plan9front

ref: 46bac13b16df5cbd92ea1da12cfef168201f0dad
dir: /sys/doc/network.pic/

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.PS 5.5i
define grp0 {[
line from (5.15,5.81) to (5.15,5.4);
arc cw from (5.63,5.81) to (5.15,5.81) rad 0.275539;
arc ccw from (5.63,5.81) to (5.15,5.81) rad 0.275539;
line from (5.63,5.81) to (5.63,5.4);
arc cw from (5.63,5.4) to (5.15,5.4) rad 0.275539;
define grp1 {[
line from (6.26,4.29) to (6.26,3.81);
line from (6.12,4.19) to (6.4,4.19);
line from (6.12,4.09) to (6.4,4.09);
define grp2 {[
circle at (3.27,4.09) rad 0.25;
"Term" at (3.27,4.09);
define grp3 {[
grp4() with (0,0) at (0.075,0.065);
line from (2.495,4.485) to (2.9,4.485);
line from (2.9,4.485) to (2.9,3.941);
grp2() with (0,0) at (-0.37,-0.399);
line from (2.33,4.215) to (2.33,3.94);
grp2() with (0,0) at (-0.94,-0.4);
line from (1.74,4.215) to (1.74,3.93);
grp2() with (0,0) at (-1.54,-0.41);
define grp4 {[
box wid 0.99 ht 0.54 at (1.925,4.42);
box wid 0.89 ht 0.44 at (1.925,4.42);
"Datakit" at (1.925,4.42);
box wid 0.68 ht 0.38 at (2.48,5.54);
line from (2.14,5.54) to (2,5.54);
box wid 0.68 ht 0.38 at (3.52,5.54);
box wid 0.68 ht 0.38 at (3.52,5.54);
box wid 0.68 ht 0.38 at (4.56,5.54);
line from (2.48,5.35) to (2.48,5.09);
line from (4.56,5.35) to (4.56,5.09);
line from (3.52,5.35) to (3.52,5.09);
line from (2.43,5.35) to (2.43,5.09);
line from (2.53,5.35) to (2.53,5.09);
line from (3.47,5.35) to (3.47,5.09);
line from (3.57,5.35) to (3.57,5.09);
line from (4.51,5.35) to (4.51,5.09);
line from (4.61,5.35) to (4.61,5.09);
line from (2.3,5.04) to (6.81,5.04);
line from (2.3,4.99) to (6.81,4.99);
line from (4.9,5.54) to (5.15,5.54);
grp0() with (0,0) at (0,0);
"CPU" at (2.48,5.54);
"CPU" at (3.52,5.54);
box wid 0.68 ht 0.38 at (2.48,5.54);
box wid 0.68 ht 0.38 at (0.84,5.54);
"File" at (0.84,5.54);
line from (0.84,5.35) to (0.84,5.1);
grp0() with (0,0) at (-4.54,-0.85);
"File" at (4.56,5.54);
line from (0.5,6.33) to (6.68,6.33);
line from (0.84,5.73) to (0.84,6.33);
line from (2.48,5.73) to (2.48,6.33);
line from (3.52,5.73) to (3.52,6.33);
line from (4.56,5.73) to (4.56,6.33);
line from (6.34,6.33) to (6.34,5.73);
box wid 0.68 ht 0.38 at (6.34,5.54);
"Internet" at (6.81,7.67);
"Gateway" at (6.34,5.54);
line from (6.08,6.33) to (6.08,6.93);
box wid 0.68 ht 0.38 at (6.08,7.12);
"Gateway" at (6.08,7.12);
line from (6.08,7.31) to (6.08,7.61);
grp1() with (0,0) at (-1.562,3.858);
grp1() with (0,0) at (-2.43,3.677);
grp1() with (0,0) at (-3.431,3.687);
grp2() with (0,0) at (-1.15,3.74);
line from (1.5,6.33) to (1.5,6.8);
grp2() with (0,0) at (-1.77,2.96);
line from (2.16,6.8) to (2.16,6.33);
line from (2.82,6.33) to (2.82,6.8);
grp2() with (0,0) at (-1.11,2.96);
grp2() with (0,0) at (-0.45,2.96);
line from (6.81,5.09) to (2.3,5.09);
line from (6.68,5.54) to (6.81,5.54);
line -> from (6.81,5.54) to (6.81,7.58);
line from (6.34,5.35) to (6.34,5.09);
line from (6.39,5.35) to (6.39,5.09);
line from (6.29,5.35) to (6.29,5.09);
"Ethernet" at (5.16,6.42);
"Fiber Network" at (4.515,4.85);
line from (6.08,7.61) to (6.07531,7.65488)
line from (6.07531,7.65488) to (6.06125,7.69953)
line from (6.06125,7.69953) to (6.03781,7.74395)
line from (6.03781,7.74395) to (6.005,7.78812)
line from (6.005,7.78812) to (5.91125,7.87578)
line from (5.91125,7.87578) to (5.78,7.9625)
line from (5.78,7.9625) to (5.70004,8.00098)
line from (5.70004,8.00098) to (5.61016,8.03016)
line from (5.61016,8.03016) to (5.51035,8.05004)
line from (5.51035,8.05004) to (5.40062,8.06062)
line from (5.40062,8.06062) to (5.28098,8.06191)
line from (5.28098,8.06191) to (5.15141,8.05391)
line from (5.15141,8.05391) to (5.01191,8.0366)
line from (5.01191,8.0366) to (4.8625,8.01)
line from (4.8625,8.01) to (3.69,7.7675)
line from (3.69,7.7675) to (3.42781,7.72172)
line from (3.42781,7.72172) to (3.19625,7.70188)
line from (3.19625,7.70188) to (2.99531,7.70797)
line from (2.99531,7.70797) to (2.90633,7.72074)
line from (2.90633,7.72074) to (2.825,7.74)
line from (2.825,7.74) to (2.55625,7.8075)
line from (2.55625,7.8075) to (2.45281,7.82437)
line from (2.45281,7.82437) to (2.37,7.83)
line from (2,5.54) to (2,4.755);
line from (1.18,5.54) to (1.7,5.54);
line from (1.7,5.54) to (1.7,4.755);
grp3() with (0,0) at (-0.125,0);