code: purgatorio

RSS feed

e047274e – henesy authored - 2019/03/13 17:18
add gridstart manual and tweak gridstart

a920c765 – henesy authored - 2019/03/13 06:33
start ndb/cs to allow name resolution in mounts ;; add mycroftiv public grid scripts by pete: gridstart, engridden, hubchat

d4f4b292 – henesy authored - 2019/03/12 22:29
add whois/tac to mkfile

42dfac69 – henesy authored - 2019/03/12 22:22
fix usage in wm/sh ;; add -b flag to wm/sh ;; fix tk starting before usage check in wm/sh

ad5a80bf – henesy authored - 2019/03/12 21:51
make /dis/ create-accessible

1dbb1930 – henesy authored - 2019/03/12 21:31
add more missing files, some bad regex must have happened at some point

82a3f55c – henesy authored - 2019/03/12 21:19
add missing files ;; add pete whois/tac

8a788aea – henesy authored - 2019/03/11 12:01
add some missing binaries

f8935b57 – henesy authored - 2019/03/11 12:01
merge updates from december 2018 from official repo ;; add vga font

27ca2618 – henesy authored - 2019/03/11 10:37
add makemk-AIX

0ec1cfd7 – henesy authored - 2019/03/11 10:13
fix wording in Windows build instructions ;; add support for $font and $Font checks in acme (thanks aeggy) ;; fix missing disk.b and disk.m

d916a4c3 – henesy authored - 2019/03/10 22:36
Add primitive Nt build instructions tested on Win10

43de7b84 – henesy authored - 2019/03/09 11:17
Add EMU= option in mkconfig to allow headless builds (thanks aeggy)

482e8745 – henesy authored - 2019/03/08 15:29
add usage to newuser ;; document newuser

41e27b2d – henesy authored - 2019/03/04 12:16
this module is required to be loaded to use these functions

7a7dfee4 – henesy authored - 2018/11/16 18:19
move logic to newuser for ease of use

27598a9c – henesy authored - 2018/11/16 18:10
Fix makestubs scribs

9f76a7f6 – henesy authored - 2018/11/11 18:33

ccd7f9f1 – henesy authored - 2018/11/11 18:32
add extra INSTALL step to create stub directories

4bc20df7 – Matthew authored - 2018/11/08 19:57
FreeBSD builds.

995a32b2 – henesy authored - 2018/11/08 07:50
Add /dis

d7809194 – henesy authored - 2018/11/06 19:57
rework profile chain to be better

b5bc6572 – henesy authored - 2018/11/05 08:49
add naive find to ease searching

d0ab3a0d – henesy authored - 2018/11/05 08:30
make /n mntgen dir

57c522a6 – henesy authored - 2018/11/05 07:42
fix networking to be in scope when emu is first called

02ac6175 – henesy authored - 2018/11/05 07:14
make net! mounts work out of the box via bind in profile

db0eab9c – henesy authored - 2018/11/05 06:50
add gr and cleanup dis adds

fa9f4c5c – henesy authored - 2018/11/04 21:26
make profile start more useful things at login

d21de87d – henesy authored - 2018/11/04 20:44
fix missing elements and tweak scripts; add makestubs to ease install process

e17484e9 – henesy authored - 2018/11/04 06:37
include Nt

7975eec3 – henesy authored - 2018/11/04 06:36
add os and such

147d51bf – henesy authored - 2018/11/04 06:33
add utils and such

ef6ce918 – henesy authored - 2018/11/04 06:24
add platforms

09cf3c0a – henesy authored - 2018/11/04 06:22
add fonts icons and dis

a600cca5 – henesy authored - 2018/11/04 06:16
init 3

d990c25d – henesy authored - 2018/11/04 06:03
init 3

70f57939 – henesy authored - 2018/11/03 21:28
init 2

42d448ae – henesy authored - 2018/11/04 02:52
initial commit, breaking up initialisation